Monday, January 14, 2013

The Quiet Morn

There are days that we long for the quiet . . . . the stillness . Days where we wish we could start the morning over . Days where we could start the conversation over . Disappointment clouds my morning as does sadness .
I'm not good at giving advice . There are two things to remember when giving advice . ( 1 )People don't want to hear the truth . People want to hear what they want you to say , but most of all , I've forgotten an important detail . . . . ( 2 ) people need to experience things for themselves .

I'm also not good at debates . The things that people bring up during debates shock me . You really have to perfect the art of arguing to be a great debator . I am a lover not a fighter , baby .

Anyway , today is one of those mornings . I wish I kept my mouth shut and didn't get involved in debates and advice giving . Usually , I'm the one who walks away wounded and torn to bits .

People look for conspiracy , hidden motives and deceit . They need to " see " rather than believe by faith , devotion , love and loyalty .
If people live by sight rather than faith , is it such a wonder there is a lack of God in our society ?

Instead of looking for ways to destroy the world we live in and each other , why don't we try to save it . Instead of reaching for snide remarks and ways to outdo the next guy  . . . . why don't we reach for the Bible . Instead of voicing all the terrible things that have happened to us , why don't we acknowledge all that God has done for us .

As someone who's time is limited here in this world , it pains me to see people looking for controversy rather than living their life to their fullest potential . I would love to be able to live to the ripe old age of my ancestors , who lived well into their nineties . Most likely this will not happen . The years I do have , I consider a Blessing .

It pains me to see people waste their time here full of anger and suspicion . So intent on " seeing " ? Take a good look at your life . What do you " see " ? Lord , never help me forget where I've been . I need to " see " where I'm going .
Have a Blessed Life .

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