Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Fast Purpose

January , can you believe it's here already ? This month sure packs a punch . A new year with a new purpose where we can wipe our slates clean and start over . In our Church , we start the year with a 21 day fast of our choice .

Every year , I participate in the fast . You could say I have been playing pretty safe with the fasts , always choosing something easy like giving up sweets . I decided that this year I would do something bold and challenging , as a way to show God my loyalty and devotion to Him .

So what did I choose for my fast ?
1. I will fast the entire month instead of just three weeks .
2. I will not play my facebook games
3. I will spend that time in my devotions
4. I will eat one full meal and substitute rest of the time with fruits , veggies , juicing etc.

You may think it's a pretty ambitious list , but there is a reason . Every year , I'd choose something that didn't really affect me like sweets . How often do I really eat sweets ? Not often . This is why I say it was a safe choice . It didn't require much of me . What if I had to really give up something that I liked ? That's where my list comes in .

You may think that playing facebook games is nothing , but I really like these two that I play . . . . everyday . Already , just the thought of doing this makes me want to skip this one little thing and play .

My devotions : Remember last year at this time , I subscribed to all these different Preacher's websites and devotionals ? My plan was to read them on a daily basis as to have the Word in me . Well , I have at least 38 -40 of them sent  to my e-mail daily and I just can't keep up with them . They have been piling up and as of now I have 2295 of them . Instead of playing the games , I plan on going through them .

The food itself and the duration of the fast has more to do with the fact of how monks of long ago would go into seclusion to fast and pray . It will intensify my fast a little more , giving the fast that bold and challenging aspect .

Of course , I always have a request that I'm praying for and usually I take on others' requests also . If any of you wish for me  to pray for you specifically during this time , you can contact me via e-mail at  with your prayer request . Otherwise , please pray for me to have strength and endurance during this time .
Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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