Friday, January 11, 2013

10 Ways

The article read :
10 Ways To Reduce Your Cancer Risk

Over the years , I have been given many suggestions on how to prevent my cancer from coming back . People have bought me teas , made certain vegetable dishes , ordered special oils to anoint my body with and of course , vitamins . It all comes from the heart and I certainly appreciate the sentiment . I feel if people have gone so out of their way for me , the least I can do is try them .

The article came from a health magazine . Of course , I couldn't help myself but read on . I really wanted to see if I'm following any of the 10 ways .
1. eat right , with an emphasis on fruits , vegetables and whole grains , cut down on red meat .
2. maintain a healthy weight . Overweight and obesity have been linked to cancers of the breast , uterus , colon , and rectum .
3. stop smoking . Tobacco use accounts for lung , cervix , bladder , kidney , pancreas , esophagus , mouth and throat .
4. avoid secondhand smoke .
5. drink alcohol only in moderation . Have no more than one drink per day for women and two per men .
6. keep physically active . Engage in at least 30 minutes of vigorous physical activity on five or more days a week .
7. stay sun safe . Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 year round even on cloudy days .
8. have cancer detention screenings and vaccines .
9. take care with X-rays and hazardous materials . Follow proper directions when handling chemicals, metals, dust and loose fibers .
10 . If you are a woman, decide carefully about HRT. Discuss risks versus benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with your doctor before using it .

So , how did you do ? I can honestly tell you , I'm 50/50 . I eat healthy , hardly any meat , but I'm overweight . I don't smoke , hate to exercise , but walk alot . I stay out of the sun and have screenings every three months in between re-occurences . Oh , I do like to have a glass of red wine occasionally . I stay away from any meds unless I need to take them and that includes tylenol , advil etc .

I think these 10 ways can describe any health issue . The point here is to eat right , exercise , and get plenty of sleep . Go to the doctor if you have any symptoms or ailments . Nothing is just nothing . One thing I have learned is to listen to my body . If I'm tired , I take a nap . If your haed hurts , do something about it .Take care of any issues ,  no matter how small . You are not being a baby . Let's take care of our bodies  and our hearts !
Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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