Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Day Of Chemo

After a particularly difficult night at work , the last thing I wanted to do is go for my chemo treatment right after . Glancing down at my pedometer ( an insurance thing ) I walked 10,934 steps in a 9 hour time limit . I was exhausted , feeling the soles of both my feet burning .

My experience that day was tiresome . My eyes were red ,  I was tired  and wanted to sleep . Labs left my arm bruised . I developed a rash of sorts , requiring my doctor to spend extra time with me . The nursing staff was short-handed due to the flu outbreak . My clinic nurse had to take care of my infusion which is done in a different part of the clinic . The steroids ( all 6 pills ) left me immediately bloated and gasey . I was so uncomfortable , just couldn't find my place to settle down and take the infusion . I kept tossing and turning on that recliner . Nothing could hold my mind's attention . I went from crocheting to reading to puzzles . . . even tried to take a nap , but nothing worked .

Afterwards , I had to stop at the clinics pharmacy to pick up my prescription . Of course , it wasn't ready . On my way home , I needed to stop at CVS to pick up my thyroid medication that my insurance suddenly didn't want to pay for after 5 years . I swear to you , I thought I would never get home . All I wanted is to get into my comfortable jammies and sleep .

 I honestly have to say it wasn't all bad . There were good moments , too . In the waiting room , I was crocheting a baby hat and this women came up to me wondering if I would sell her this hat for her baby girl who was seven months old . I wanted so badly to finish it before they called me in , because I wanted to give it to her for free . Of course , I couldn't . I keep thinking about her and hope we run into each other again .

Another good thing that happened was that everyone at the clinic kept coming in to congratulate me on those slippers . What a warm feeling that left inside of me . I guess , this chemo was bittersweet !
Have a Blessed Week everyone.

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