Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Rehearsal

The rehearsal :
 Because the children were staying after Sunday School , we had to feed them lunch . The children's rehearsal was as chaotic as one would expect for a group of children fed on junkfood . The junkfood ? Pizza ! When they saw it was pizza , a wild frenzy took place and impatience took over causing the small ones to cry . We were not serving fast enough . Once their little bellies were full , the practice began .

As the children went over their songs , I took a step back on the sidelines , watching them . When have they grown so much ? Some of them I've had in Sunday School since they were 4 yrs. old . I've seen their progress from a scared preschoolers into  seasoned 2nd -5th graders . Where has the time gone ?

They were not the only achievers . There was the Pastor's wife conducting the entire rehearsal like a pro . I can remember when she first started helping out , then turning into a teacher and now . . . . Director of the Children's Ministry .

We all have been practicing , rehearsing for the roles we are to fill . Some of these roles we have no idea what they will be . I'm sure our new Director never thought she would end up where she is now . Yet , she has been in rehearsal for this position these past couple of years . Now , she  and the Pastor are in charge of our Church . . . . our new leaders .

What is God preparing me for ? What am I in rehearsal for this time ? What is my next project ? Even though things may not be the way I would like them , there is a purpose to them . A role we have to prepare for , practice on , rehearse over and over again until it is time for us to take on the position we were born to do .

 I can also remember , back in 2007 when God placed in my life a new challenge and the rehearsal began . Look where that rehearsal has taken me . . . Although , it has been painful , challenging and like the children waiting for their pizza . . . . .impatient . Once the bellies are full , excitement takes over . I look foward to the future and the new rehearsal God has placed in my life . Let it begin .
Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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