Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Normalcy Of Life

Apples . Avocados . Oranges . Milk . Placing each item into my cart , I paved through the aisles of the fruit market . Returning back to work after a week of doing absolutely nothing but sleeping  , produced adrenaline I never knew I had . As boring as it might sound , I welcomed the intrusive routine plunging headlong into my daily errands .

There is nothing like the normalcy of everyday life to keep a person from overthinking about one's illness . Keep your calendar filled and your mind occupied , all at the same time .

Of course , that doesn't mean that I'm not tired or not feeling well . The symptoms are here full force and a couple of new ones , too  . The Christmas cards took alot longer to fill out than usual this year , but they did help take my mind elsewhere even for awhile .

Everywhere I go , I am asked how I'm feeling . I mean , I look great , at least , that's what I'm told . That's the difference this time . I think my own acceptance of my new lifestyle reflects outward to others . It's something that they may find comforting to see . It reassures others of my state of mind and wellbeing .

When it becomes too much , I will take a break . For now , I welcome the normalcy of my life . The schedules to make , the problems to solve at work , the blogs I'm always late in writing and a new batch of slippers to make for a new hospital . Yes , it was a good idea to work this time around . Or at least for now . Now , if I can just get my blogs out on time .......
Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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