Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm Sexy And I Know It

 While at Chemo the other day , I met a woman my age going through breast cancer . We shared the same room . Believe me , I wasn't happy . All I wanted that day was to be left alone crocheting and doing my puzzles . This woman would not stop chattering away with me .
  I sat there and listened to her telling me how having cancer isn't as bad as people make it out to be . Her life hardly changed at all . Her husband and three teenage daughters were doing just great . She works fulltime and has absolutely no side effects from the chemo . She has no hair but doesn't understand what the big deal is about being bald . It doesn't bother her at all . Everything is just fine .
   I looked at her with awe . My face red beet in color from the steroids . My  chest all red from the stinking tape that covers my infusion needle . God Bless her , I thought , because she is where I was at 4 years ago denial . When it finally hits her , she will be devastated at how much her life has really changed .
  Suddenly , I realized , I'ld rather be where I'm at .......overweight , bloated , redfaced , exhausted and sick all the time then back in that place 4 years ago . Bring on those side effects ....I'll deal . I want to be healed not only physically but spiritually . I also realized that I need to stop with feeling sorry for myself . Need to get off this obsession I seem to have with how I look .
  A few days ago , I read in my devotional  that if we could just see ourselves the way God sees us then we would love ourselves more . Can you imagine how beautiful I must look to him . When He sees me He doesn' t see the flaws , the dirt ........He sees me clean and shiny....all brand new . I am His Creation ...His Masterpiece .
  I sashayed out to the bathroom and caught myself in the mirror . All my love handles , muffin tops , junk in the trunk , bald headed and my turkey gobbler chin . He thinks I'm beautiful . It's about time I started to believe it . Did a spin in front of that mirror . Yep , I'm sexy and I know it !!!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Of course, I noticed this about you a long time ago! Hottest thing about you is your honesty and your fab sense of humor! I think if you wanted to give a seminar on this for women who are 'less than perfect' you would pack the house! :)
