Sunday, November 20, 2011


  Back in March , my son got married and started a chain of events that propelled our family on the road of re-discovery of each other . From that point on , the family had a full agenda of marriage proposals , wedding showers  and weddings . My time was spent traveling from Michigan to Indiana to Wisconsin and Springfield . We, as a  family ,  have never had such a whirlwind of events .
  My son started it and my niece ended it . Today is her Wedding Day . I know that it will be a while before another year like this one .
  I was up all night , tossing and turning , thinking of my life . It is always so much harder when the girl gets married . It takes a girl to understand a girl . I thought of all the couples that got married this year . The new life they have started as a a family . I thought of how my family enjoyed themselves at each Wedding . How much closer we have become . How I didn't want the closeness to end .
  I thought how happy they all looked on their Special Day  and I realized that I never looked like that . I thought of all the things that I have done wrong . All the things I wish I had done differently . I made plenty of mistakes . As the hours ticked away , my life flashed before me .One episode after another .I can't change what happened behind me , I can only change what happens in front of me .
  Who wouldn't want to start their life over again ? We all wish we could . We all have regrets . I know I do . I thought of all the things I wish I could say to these couples but somehow can't find the right words . What am I really nostalgic for ? My life ? Or her future ?
  I send her a text congratulating her on this special day. Her reply ? "Yes, God has been good to me ".

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