Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Worst Days

I am a lover of sunshine , open windows and breezy days . I look forward to three seasons out of the four : spring , summer and fall . Considering all of that , it really has come as a surprise to me to discover my new found feelings regarding this matter . . . . feelings of bittersweet disgust . This has not been a good summer . Here's a list of my top seven  worst complaints .

1. Chemo . This has been the first time I've ever had chemo treatment during the summer . In the past , I'd have my six chemo sessions and go into remission usually in the fall and winter time , but not any longer . If you are experiencing menopause , these treatments can make the hot flushes more intense .

2. Steroids . With every chemo treatment , a dosage of steroids serves as an accompaniment . Steroids help with the onslaught of side effects and are bearable to endure . Days of throwing up are far and few for a chemo patient nowadays . My body's reaction of hot flashes / red face are the downside to them .

3. Arthritis . My feet have always been affected by my treatment . Ask any cancer patient how their feet are doing and they will tell you stories about their knees , ankles and toes  . All these hot / stormy temperatures have filled my poor feet with pressure and I have felt every aching joint .

4. Low A.C. at work . Since I work on third shift , everything gets turned down , especially the air . Talk about being hot during those 95 degree weather days ! It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to wear mandatory PPE's ( personal protection equipment ) such as hairnets , sleeves , long pants  and a shoe that completely covers . Staying cool  has become top priority .

5. Landlord . Since the building has been sold , I have developed mixed feelings regarding our new landlord . Honestly , I think he has taken on more than he can handle . Not only does he have a tuckpointing business , but two large unit buildings . If he has more , I don't know . There have been problems in some of the apartments , some minor and some not , it seems to take him awhile to get it done . Even when he is working on another unit , it somehow affects the rest of us . Right now , the washer is broken for over four days now and still hasn't been fixed all because he is on vacation . Maybe this is quite common for the rest of you , but not for me since a management group took care of us in the past .

6. Scheduling  . Our schedule was jammed packed this summer . I felt like I was running behind on everything . This summer was difficult for us as a family not being able to see my grandkids as much as I would like .  If they were free , we weren't and trying to orient our schedules to fit together  didn't always work out . That's how it goes sometime s.

7. Open windows . I need an open window and I didn't feel that this summer I could do that . Since my hot flashes increased tremendously , I really needed the coolness of the fall weather .

This summer was very difficult for me to adjust . The temperatures , even though not sizzling , seemed as if my body was on fire . This journey of mine has taken me on a route I certainly didn't expect . Next summer ? I plan on being better prepared .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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