Friday, September 20, 2013

Living Simply

Living Simply 

The definition of living simply varies depending on the person's  lifestyle . Anything to do with " simplifying " usually means getting rid of something , whether that  happens to be cleaning out the cupboards or friendships that no longer are vital  . 

To me , living simply involves the spiritual , the mental and the physical well-being of every aspect of my life . Individuals that can achieve all three are far and few , most likely residing in the hills all by themselves . 

Spiritual :
I am a wallflower . I love to serve behind the scenes and Emily seems to have an addiction with serving anywhere and everywhere . Every Sunday , she rushes me out the door to arrive well ahead of everyone else . She wants to be there on time and ready to serve . 

I usually sit in the car enjoying a cup of coffee and crocheting a bit before the service starts . I cannot tell you how many people approach my car offering to walk me inside . I don't know what they're trying to tell me . Maybe they think my faith might waiver since I rarely have an opportunity to listen to the sermon in Church , teaching in Kidzone .

Little do they know that I probably spend more time in the word because of that very fact . If I can get a subscription online to any devotional , audio from any preacher , I do it . Even my bookshelf has taken on a different literary makeover . My emails do not consist of family, friends or business content , it's all about Jesus . My journey is all about developing a deeper and meaningful relationship with Jesus and His followers . 

Physical : 
Exercise is something I don't indulge in , but participating in all things healthy is a lifestyle I enjoy living . I love finding more nutritional ways to cook with vegetables  and fruits from other cultures . Preparing things homemade without the preservatives like canning , making pasta and baking from scratch benefit my body . 

Exercise to me involves taking the stairs or a walk in the evening . Drinking water to replenish and flush out all the toxins in my body . . . .. plenty of water . I currently drink 126 oz. per day . 

Taking care of yourself physically , soaking the tired ole bones when needed . Rest your feet upon a footstool once in awhile . Try this small exercise for tired feet : 

Lay down on the floor with your bottom up against the wall . Your feet should be up flatly pressed  alongside the wall . This is to help your blood flow freely  from your toes through the rest of your body . 

Mental : 
I think this is the most important part of living life . If you don't maintain a positive outlook , then everything in your life will seem dreary , disappointing , lonely , angry . That mallet of life will hit harder with each word . 

Believe me , I am probably the hardest on myself type of person you've ever met , but I don't quit . I may lock myself in the bedroom and bawl like crazy , but only for a time . Then I pick myself up and move on . 

Let me give you the biggest tip in dealing with trials  : Occupy yourself . Keep yourself so busy you will not have time to think about any of your troubles . Everyday will seem easier  and easier to get by . Go to every invitation or event sent your way . Join or volunteer at your church . Take up a hobby . Anything , just don't sit there in the dark and cry . 

I fall  and when I do , I hit the floor hard . There are times , when none of these things help me at all . . . . . for a couple of days . I will wallow . I will eat all the wrong things . Right now , I[m pigging out on oreos . One thing , I can guarantee that I never went through any trial alone . I always put my hands together and bowed my head to God to help me and each time He was there helping me each day to overcome . Eventually , it became easier and I could breathe again .

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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