Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Simply Money

Money . I've been avoiding this subject like the plague itself . How many of us can say honestly they are happy with their finances or feel they're in a good place financially ?  It really doesn't matter , because things can change drastically and we can go from rich to poor or reverse in a heartbeat .

Finances for me have always been like a roller coaster ride , sometimes high and sometimes  low  . There was a moment there for a couple of years where I felt financially stable with a nice enough nest egg resting in the bank .

This past year , with my cancer returning so fast after the previous time , my nest egg got fried , leaving me to start all over again . .

If I'm to live a healthy life , I need all aspects of it to be cleansed and free of any stress . Finances can cause so much stress and worry . We want to forget about the bills , the debt and hope that we can bury them somewhere deep , so they will never rise again .
Yet , they do , don't they ? Debt never goes away . It keeps haunting us until it's paid .

I wish I could take a class in just basics of financial freedom , not all of us are savvy in the fundamentals of investments and it can become quite heavy in content to comprehend . The things I have seen out there really don't fit the average joe . 

 People have different opinions on seeking financial advisers . Some think they are expert choices for future savings , especially our retirements and others think they make it look real easy , but are not realistic in regards to the person who is heavily in debt . 

Other way you may feel , it all starts with change . The change to make choices in choosing a different lifestyle . So we buckle down and cut down on our spending . There isn't a quick fix , you have to keep sending payments until it's paid . Then make smart choices for the future . 

As a person with a chronic illness , finances are a constant worry . You never know when the illness will take over and being able to work is not always an option . Even when you are working , health insurance isn't what it used to be when it comes to coverage  . Alas , your finances take a nosedive . It becomes a seesaw of highs and lows with us saving when we are well , to provide a little nest egg when the illness comes back . 

That's a very sad thought , because when we are chronically ill , we should focus all our energies on getting well and not becoming stressed with how we will pay for treatment . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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