Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Four Battles

Recently , I read an article on the four battles of the single Christian . Now , I've been single for most of my life , so I consider myself an authority on being single . Since I expected the article to be misguided and misleading , I eagerly read on so I could point out all the mistakes in their characterization . To my surprise , I found them to be spot on .

Battle one : people always want to know why I never married .
Answer :
This is the 64, 000 question that has plagued me all of my single life . It's not that I don't wish to be married , but because I haven't found anyone worth marrying .
People marry for many reasons . To have a family  and I already have children . For security and I 've taken care of myself financially all these years . For companionship  and all they want to do is change me . Why even go out with me then ?
As a Christian , I expect two things from a man : To go to church with me and to love me as Christ loved the church . Do you have any idea how hard it is to find both ?

Battle two : Being solely responsible for my finances , my home , my stuff .
answer :
 I believe , we all think we need someone to provide security financially , but in reality , we can do it alone if we have to . We can own a home ourselves , too , but in my case , maintaining  a home was difficult . You need a man to fix things when they get broken unless you have large sums of money in your bank account to hire someone .
Even now , I find myself wishing at times that I was married , especially  when I'm sick with chemo . If I was married , I wouldn't have to worry about working or money . I could jus concentrate on getting better .

Battle three : Making choices in my life alone .
answer :
Boy , is this true . Since I was a single parent , I really missed having someone to help raise  these children . Two is always better than one . Parenting and making decisions are two of the hardest combinations when you're a single parent .
The children maybe all grownup , but it still would be nice for someone else to take charge sometimes .

Battle four : loneliness and discouragement
I have to admit that I handle this quite well . I fill my days on purpose so I can never say I'm bored  or lonely . The times that I do ,  is when there is a party or event and you are the only one sitting at the dinner table without a partner . When a slow dance comes on and you have no mate to dance with .

As I get older and the fact that I'm sick with cancer , I often wish I wasn't as picky in my youth in choosing a mate . This way , I would have someone to drive me to the doctor's .

Have a Blessed day everyone .


  1. Hahahaha , believe it or not , Maureen , they did not mention that . Maybe they were too concerned with too much romance ? lol
