Sunday, September 15, 2013

Before The Crocheting

Running around with errands when I should have been sleeping , changed my attitude from grumpy to seriously ill tempered . What normally was my regular schedule intensified in nature by the fact that the Ministry Club was adjourning in my living room in a few hours . 

Emily was chopping away fruit  for a crisp in a steady beat that echoed throughout the small apartment . I raced frantically between the living room and bathroom erasing all traces of a cat residing here . Two of my ladies are allergic to cats and sterilizing the place before they came was a must . I vacuumed the sofa , chairs and every crevice of the carpet . A new bottle of Fabreeze was sprayed on anything and everything . 

Looking around the place , I breathed a deep sigh of accomplishment . It looked good and it looked clean . In waltzes Diamond and starts rolling over  the carpet her entire body as if getting a rubdown , spreading cat hairs to mark her presence .

Running back into the kitchen , I unpacked the remaining
 groceries . Threw the package of onions into the basket and instead it landed behind the shelf . Groaning and visualizing  the smell of rotten onions , I pushed the shelves away from the wall and it shook like the Tower of Pisa .  The shelf literary was falling apart right in front of me and . . . . my . . . . wine  . . . . .was  . . . . on  . . . the . . . bottom . 

Noooooooooo ! 

I screamed for Emily to start taking everything off the shelves as fast as she could while I tried to hold it up . Save the wine !!!! Who cares about the food . 

When everything was taken off , I let go and watched it crumble in a heap at my feet . The whole kitchen looked a mess , the floor not even showing . 

I poured myself a cup of coffee and locked myself in my room . I should cancel , I should cancel ricocheting in my head . I just couldn't believe the month I have been experiencing since beginning this Ministry . 

But why should I allow the devil to defeat me now ? 

I have come a long way in my 48 yrs . , I may have fallen numerous times in my life ,  but I've always gotten back up . It may have hurt , it may have taken a while , but I got back up again . Finishing up my coffee , I went back into the kitchen to clean up the mess . The Crocheting Ministry Club will be here soon . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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