Thursday, September 12, 2013

Keeping The Faith

Keeping the faith is easy to someone else saying it and it rolls off one's tongue beautifully , usually accompanied by a pat on the back and an encouraging smile . An " I'll be praying for you "  and a
" Call me when you need me " follows . Then the moment comes , when that well-meaning friend leaves and you actually have to do
 it .

Keeping the faith is very difficult , because in my own experience the trials that have brought you to this point just keep coming one after the other . It's never just one thing , instead , a bombardment of  just things .

I can handle an irritation , I can handle even a setback or two , but when an all out war ensues I run back into my place and shut the door firmly behind me . I get down on my knees and become a prayer warrior . I become the best Christian ever walking on this earth . It's all about God then .

Am I describing you ? Is that what you do ? That's definitely me . I'm going through some things now , but I have to believe and trust in God that things will turn out fine . He has never failed to be there for me and I need to hold onto that fact . His hands are over this trial of mine , no matter how bad it may get .

The more troubles that come my way , the more I believe that this trial must be very important and I have to keep the faith and 
endure .

I can assure you , that keeping the faith is an ongoing process . It never stops . Church isn't a place to go to only when you have a problem . Church is something we do every week , even when we're happy and everything is going fine .

Worship and praise is important , talking to Him  is important , even when we are angry . He still wants to hear us , even then .

We are an extremely busy generation of people , but we need to make time even if it is during a ride to work or a quick prayer at dinner . Being consistent will make us stronger in our faith and in our relationship with Christ .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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