Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Devil Chasing After Me

It's Sunday Morning , a lesson lies on the table in front of me on bravery . I could use some of that myself , right about now .

Ever since I began The Crocheting Ministry Club , the devil has been chasing after me , to discourage and for me to fail . I've been attacked many times before , but this time , it feels different . It's more personal , more menacing .

The moment I realize I'm being attacked , I retreat into silence . I become very still and immerse myself in the Word . I will pull out all my audios , my devotions and my music for comfort . I embrace the stillness and comfort in the knowledge that this will pass .

Be still and know I am God  .

The attack feels more intense than ever , because  of the onslaught of misfortune and the degree of it . No longer am I dealing with minor disruptions and irritations such as a parking ticket  . . . . this time it really hurts in  areas  of my weakest points .

How do I know it's about the Ministry ? The Ministry is flourishing beyond all of my expectations . It has exploded with volunteers , goods are being made  and donations have started coming in . The very first attack came regarding the Ministry and then my personal life went downhill after that .

Am I scared ? You better believe it , but I know I will get through it somehow and it will pass .I just have to keep the Faith .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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