Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Hot Invitation

The temperatures are rising and the comfort levels are falling . It's hot out there , folks . The last thing I want to do today is work , let alone write . My main concern is to stay cool and refreshed .

Today , I want to extend an invite to all of you to join me via wherever you are at for a moment of absolutely nothing but relaxation .

Let's pull down the shade and draw the curtains . Sit down in your comfy spot with your feet curled under or extended upon an ottoman . Wear only your comfy clothes , don't worry about matching or any tattered holes showing .

Right next to where your resting , make sure there is a small table . Upon that table all your necessary items are placed . All the items that will ensure you're not having to get up for awhile  . Place those items now . . . .

your cellphone and remote
newspaper , your favorite book , a puzzle  and  a laptop
a drink of your choice ( wine and coffee for me )
a lite snack ( fruit and cheese for me )

Yes , place them on that table , because once we sit down , only bathroom breaks allowed . We're not answering our door and we're screening our calls , because today we are resting and cooling off .

Will you join me ? Sit beside me ? Rest with  me ?

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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