Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Christian Life

Me : " So how does it feel being a Christian ? "
Emily : " Like I've always been a Christian , but didn't know it . It feels right , the way it should be ."

The first time I walked into a Christian service was at the age of nineteen as a guest of a fellow co-worker . It was unlike any
" church " I've ever been  to before . It was in a hotel 's conference room and the preacher was screaming that there were sinners in the room  . He could just feel it . There weren't any statues or a huge cross hanging anywhere . I thought this was a cult and couldn't wait to get the heck out of there .

I laugh whenever I recall that experience . Why was I so afraid ? Why was my heart so closed ? I wish I could provide you with an answer , but I don't have one .

Many times  I have wondered what my life would have been like if I actually stayed and accepted Christ at the tender age of nineteen . What kind of life would I be living now ? It would have been much easier , that's for sure . At least for my children .

I have made so many mistakes in my life that I wish I could go back and change their outcome . The worst mistakes ? The ones that affected my children . As parents , the last thing we want to see , are the mistakes we made play out into their adult life . Yes , there are consequences and if we don't pay for them , our children definitely will .

Looking back , I feel like I have wasted my spiritual life's potential . Imagine all I could have done to serve others , but didn't , because I just didn't know how to open my heart to Christ's love .

During these past seven years , I have seen many fellow Christians leave one Church for another or fall away to their old life . Lord , I pray daily not to become one of them . Let me always remember where I came from and where I'm headed . That alone , will keep me on the right path living a Christian life .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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