Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My Special Quirks

You know how it is , you 've been living together for awhile , getting under each other's feet . I'm starting to irritate her and she 's irritating me . I don't like the mess she makes when she cooks and she doesn't like the way I chew my food . I'd wish she'll go somewhere already and she thinks the same of me .

Do you have to make that noise . . . . ..

Can't you just . . . . .

Do you have to be this way  . . . .. .

Why are you so . . .

Oh, Mother !

Oh , Daughter !

Quirks . We all have these special quirks that at one time were sooooo cute , but not any longer . Living together can do that to a relationship . Lord knows , Emily and I have our moments when we're at each others throats over  something really silly ( like are we eating at the table or the couch ) , but we have to remember why we're in this relationship .

Now , you could say , " But Lottie , she has no choice because she's your daughter " , even though that's true , what matters is what kind of relationship we have . Living together is difficult and certain rules and guidelines have to be met or otherwise , those quirks don't stand a chance .

Privacy is a must . You can't be in each other's face all the time . There has to be a period of one only , whether that is in the evening alone in your room or a walk outside by yourself . You just can't do everything together . You need some breathing room or those special little quirks will drive you insane .

I know , I'm always excited when she has plans to go out and I can have the apartment all to myself for a few hours . Every evening , she practically shoves me out the door to work . Heavens forbid if I even think about calling in .

Our special quirks make us who we are , and no one else has the exact same ones . It's for what we're known  for and when we die , the family can talk about us at all the family dinners . Isn't it comforting to know our quirks will live on ?

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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