Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Day In The Past

Wisdom, insight, and understanding.

1. Wisdom is the ability to look at life and its difficulties from God's point of view
2.Insight is the ability to see through life and its difficulties from God's viewpoint. In other words, as I grow in the Word, I gain the ability to penetrate the surface level of irritations and problems.
3. Understanding is the ability to respond to life's situations and difficulties from the holistic, panoramic comprehension of God's viewpoint. 
As I get a hold on the Word, I not only gain insight to see the inner workings of a matter, I discover how to respond to effect the best outcome. I am able to learn from my decisions, even when things don't turn out my way.

There was a time in my youth where I believed a person should live with no regrets . I thought I was one of those people . . . . . back then . Now , I find myself rehashing so much of my past life , finding nothing , but regrets . 

I wholeheartedly regret not being a Christian back then . I believe the decisions of my life would have been based on the principles of Christ and the outcome would have been different . 

As I watch young mothers with their children or wives with their husbands , I'm both amazed and encouraged by their ability to start off right in life . How were they able to make that right decision and I haven't ? What did they know that I didn't ? 

You could say circumstances might have been the problem , but now , I honestly believe it was the unbelief . . . . . my unbelief . 

Yes , I was a Catholic and yes , we went to church . The children had CCD classes every week and had all their sacraments , but I did not follow Christ's principles . I engaged in premarital sex , we were living together , chose a non -  believer as a mate and father for my children . 

It seemed so right then and so very normal . When I see that happening now in others , I just want to scream no , don't do it ! Don't take that same path that I did . Take the path of Christ instead . 

You could say , I'm feeling very melancholy today , but the older I get the more I wish I took that right path . Life is so hard , but I chose even the harder one . 

Have a Blessed day  everyone . 

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