Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Day Of Gratitude

Silence is truly golden . We are quiet around the apartment today . Each of us lost in our own thoughts , thinking and absorbing the everyday of what is placed on our plate . Some things we just shrug off and others are harder to bear .

Life has a way of sucking away whatever joy one may have been experiencing , knocking us off our feet and we lose our balance . . . . all in one swift movement . How does one become numb to the everyday struggles let alone the life changing ones ? 

We take a deep breath . We breathe in and out slowly and we move on . . . . . quietly  . . . . . throughout the day . We become grateful for whatever tiny glimmer of happiness we encounter . We count our Blessings .

We say to ourselves  . . .things could be worse . .. .. and that , my friends happens to be true . Things could really be worse . 

As we move about the apartment today , we know that we are not in control . We know we are just servants of God and His will is what will be done .

Yes, it's truly silent here . Each one of us lost in our thoughts , wondering . . . . . trusting . . . . . Him .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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