Monday, October 3, 2016

The Thirst Is Real

                                                     Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                     everyday is a journey.

There comes a point in our spiritual walk where we are thirsty for a more in depth study of the word of God. We are no longer satisfied being fed milk and are craving real grownup food.
Simple Gospel 
Simple Grace

Isn't that the truth? There does come a time where one is looking for that something extra that can only come from God. Having just come off another bout with cancer, I find myself searching for that something special. It just seemed as if I've become so drained during this recovery. I needed to feel revitalized spiritually, mentally and physically. One can only do that on a retreat.

Having agreed to go with a group of wonderful ladies to the Joyce Meyer's Conference way back in February, I couldn't believe how appropriately the date fell right after the completion of my treatment. It must have been God ordained! 

Days before, I thought about what I wanted to accomplish during this retreat. Retreats are tricky. People tend to think that all will be well in their lives when the retreat doors close and it's time to go home. We don't realize that the work has only just begun. I didn't want my high expectations to rule over what maybe God wanted me to receive from this retreat instead. 

I prayed, leaving it up to God. What do I need to tackle in my life? What do I need to receive from this conference? Search my heart, Lord and let me see what I need to repair. I know, deep down inside, it will require lots of work. It is not a simple three day cleansing and I'm all done. I want to open up my heart and receive whatever He wants for me, no matter how painful the process may end up to be. 

That's only the first part of this retreat. The second part, I wanted to socialize with fellow women of God. Women need other women and I need them. I wanted us to all bond, to share our experiences and go away from this in a deeper sisterhood of Christ. We may come from all walks of life, but we are united by the blood of Jesus Christ. There is nothing more powerful to face the outside world than the cords that are formed as a group of believers. 

I needed to experience that with them. I needed to feel that. I needed to be that. I struggle daily with sharing myself with others. I am not a social person and this is extremely hard, especially when it comes to meeting new people. I have a tendency to come off as unapproachable. That's something I constantly need to work on. Now, this may surprise many of you since I'm so forward on this blog, but there is a difference in writing about things. I don't have to face anyone. I don't see any of your faces when you read this blog. Face to face contact is an entirely different process. 

So thank you fellow conference companions for allowing me to share in this experience with you. I hope many of you who haven't done a women retreat, do so. It's an experience unlike any you may have had.

Have a blessed day everyday.

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