Monday, October 24, 2016

My Heart Is There!


                              There is nothing more beautiful these days than the colorful changing of the leaves. When the weather shifts, becoming colder and windier, we enjoy hearty soups and all things pumpkin! The desire to burrow down in our comfy abodes for the long haul of Winter is strong. After the busyness of Summer, we're ready to just relax.

Already my mind is fluttering away like mad with ideas for all indoor projects. Even in my Ministry, we collect donations of yarn like little squirrels hiding their precious nuts. Winter time is spent crocheting more items than any other Season, usually donating to several charitable organizations per month. Yes, it's a busy time for my Ministry. 

There's also our hearts. They, too, need a time of preparation for the upcoming months. Just think of all the Holidays that we celebrate during this time. We have a harvest where we give thanks for the past year for both the good and the bad. That's what Thanksgiving is all about. Then we have Jesus' birthday. Another special time for our hearts.  A new beginning on the New Year! My heart is there! My heart is there! 

I can see God everywhere. I can see Him in the bold colors of the falling leaves. I can see Him in the bounty of the harvest. I can see Him in the beauty of the freshly fallen snow. I can see Him in the fierceness of a thunderstorm! Can you feel Him in the gentle breeze upon your face? My heart is there! My heart is there!

So, I'm ready. I'm ready, because my heart is there wherever God goes! 

Have a Blessed day everyone. -

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