Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Next Bold Step

                                                      Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                      everyday is a journey.

In all fairness, I have to admit this next bold step of mine has been proving more difficult than I expected. I didn't think it would be. I honestly thought this would be the easiest of them all. I'm sure you can imagine my frustration and surprise when one obstacle after an another has been placed in my way. I'm beginning to think it might not happen or maybe it was never meant to happen? Nah! It will take a little longer, that's all.

I like things to go according to plan, methodically and efficiently for all the pieces to fall into place. Remember, I over analyze everything? Everything is ready, except for that one final piece. 

It's hard to wait, isn't it? It's like that question mark that Beth Moore spoke about at the conference. Imagine drawing one, the first curve we make is the very beginning. It goes so smoothly, doesn't it? So easy and comfortable to draw, but get to the end of that curve where it bends . . . that's when things become a little difficult. I'm at that curve with my next bold step.

On the positive side, I am feeling much, much better since my radiation. There was a moment there where I doubted ever going back to normal. Or as normal as possible. My appetite is coming back and any side effects with my digestive system haven't been seen since my trip to Springfield. Time does heal things, even if it is done slowly. 

Also, I woke up to find out it has been raining and everyone was posting double rainbows all over Facebook. Now, the skies darkened and it looks like a storm is coming. I love being inside the house for these storms looking out from my window. For some strange reason, they fill me with inspiration to write. Too bad I will be leaving for work in a bit and won't be able to do any writing. 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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