Friday, October 28, 2016

This Is Now

                                                   Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                    everyday is a journey.

These past few weeks, my mind has been centered on my grandmother Bernice back in Poland. Even though this time should have been spent celebrating her 97th birthday, it turned out to be more bittersweet than we anticipated. You see, my grandmother Bernice is in her last days here on Earth. 

It breaks my heart to see a woman who has made such a huge impact on my life as well as my children, suffer. We imagine death to be a peaceful act of someone simply closing their eyes, taking a deep breath and passing on. Unfortunately, it isn't always so. I've seen a grown man with tears rolling down his cheeks in pain as he lay dying. There are some who pass quietly in their sleep just as my Uncle has a few years ago. Either way, death is not pleasant nor should it be.

We should be made to FEEL something. When I saw pictures of my grandma now, I cried. I cried because this woman was someone I loved. She was kind and loving to me. She would call me every Monday morning and listened to me retell the daily frustrating antics of two small children who were misbehaving, constantly fighting and driving their mother crazy. Usually, this involved Emily. I can still remember what she would say, always the same thing, too. Oh, Wladzia, (my name in Polish) the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 

When I became a single mom, she took care of them so I could go to work. She and Emily would play dress up with Heehee (Emily 's stuffed bear) and she was excited at the sight of Joey's growing spirituality. She wanted him to be a priest and would caution me not to push him, but allow him to make that decision himself. Of course, he did end up being a Pastor.

I have so many beautiful memories of this great woman. I don't want her to suffer. It becomes very personal and dear when it's someone you love. I don't think people realize how important it truly is to be right with God. Don't wait until you someday become old. You may think you have plenty of time to sort things out. . . later. Trust me, tomorrow isn't promised, we can die anytime. Resolve your issues now. Get right with God now. Ask Him into your heart now.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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