Thursday, September 29, 2016

Tea Toddling Time

                                                    Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                    everyday is a journey.

I love to drink coffee and water.They are my daily staples that I need to function properly. Emily, on the other hand, drinks green tea and orange juice. When we want to get a little dangerous, I drink my red wine and Emily her cranberry juice. Yeah, we're real partiers here!

Both my children never really caught on to the young lifestyle of today's young adults. They never smoked or stayed out all night. I never had to deal with broken curfews or the smell of alcohol on their breaths. I didn't worry about them getting pregnant or becoming a father. They took their relationships with the opposite sex very seriously. I was very fortunate. They were far from perfect, each of them had their own issues, but in this area I had no problems. 

I wish I had their smarts when I was their age. I was the opposite of them. Don't get any ideas that I was a crazy teen drinking and partying, but I didn't have their determination in regards to choosing the right mate. What I looked for in a mate was completely different from theirs. I was more interested in how good he danced, if he had a car and how cute he was. I didn't check his faith, his beliefs or how he treated his friends. They definitely are smarter than their mother. Thank goodness!

Going through an illness brings out a barrel of emotions and memories. Reflecting on our past, the things we did right and the ones we did wrong, become our favorite past times. If only I had listened at the age of 19 and accepted Christ as my Savior. Can you imagine how different my life would have been now? Oh, I still would have gone through the same struggles, but how I handled them would have been different. I would have been a better parent, a better wife, a better person. I dropped the ball many times.

This weekend, the Village October Fest was in full swing. There is nothing wrong with participating, bringing our children to see the animals, face painting, live music and let's not forget the beer garden. There's nothing wrong with having a drink, but there is something wrong if one becomes roaring drunk raving and ranting at all hours of the night. Last night, the partying didn't end with the October Fest. It spilled out into the streets keeping us awake majority of the night.

I must sound like a boring tea toddler, not knowing how to have fun! I can't help but wonder how easy it is to become misguided in our youth when Christ is absent from our heart. I was one of those people. It took my cancer to wake me up in realizing what was important. It took a disease for me to find my purpose in life. It took a chronic illness for me to change my life.

So we will stick with our teas, coffee and an occasional glass of wine. We have no desire to join the crowds no matter how much they may enjoy making fun of us. Turning it up and acting like a fool isn't living a life to the fullest. That's just the opposite. That's wasting away the purpose we were put on this Earth to do. God has saved me, He has healed me over and over again. Why would I waste this healing?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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