Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Oh, That F Word

                                                              Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                 everyday is a journey.

Lately, it seems that I cannot go anywhere or open a book or devotion without some reference to forgiveness. At first, I would skim over it, really dismissing it's contents, because I have no need for forgiveness. I dealt with what I needed to a very long time ago.

We all think that, don't we? You know that's a lie. The problem is that I do have issues, ones I thought I let go. I think, in a way, we always have something ranging from the minimal to the major. I, myself, have been harboring issues in regard to my old Church, my Ministry and even some of my family. Even though I have forgiven these offenses, I haven't been able to let go of them. Everything would seem fine and then suddenly we run into that person or see them on social media only to evoke these emotions once again. Talk about re-opening old scabs!

Unforgiveness holds you hostage. Forgiveness does not mean reconciliation. Some of us live in a self made bubble where unforgiveness reigns.

I wish I could remember where I read the above phrase or who actually said it. It certainly makes a lot of sense. How many of us are stuck in unforgiveness? Never moving forward or letting go of past hurts. I know plenty of you who are struggling with some sort of hurt. Well, so am I. I feel as if God has placed this on my heart to share with all of you. We're all harboring something and it's been far too long. We need to address these issues and rescue our soul. 

According to Rick Warren, there are 5 stages of grief, but I believe this also represents unforgiveness, too. 
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
We're all in denial about our part in this struggle. It's not us, but them. They're at fault. Remember, it takes two people to create an issue. No one fights alone. We all know how anger is rooted deeply preventing us from forgiving and letting go. Any reconciliation attempts usually result in us making a deal. If only that person would admit their fault, then we could forgive them. Of course, we're innocent in all of this. Depression sets in when the isolation of that someone becomes permanent in our life. Finally, we just accept that we cannot ever repair this wrong doe to us. 

Unforgiveness sure is a lot like grief, isn't it? It certainly brings us grief. Do you see how easy it is for things to escalate to the point of no return? Words really hurt more than our feelings, they hurt our soul. Don't you think we should do everything possible within us to forgive that someone? It doesn't have to be public, it just has to be sincere! It's time, it's gone on far too long.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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