Thursday, October 27, 2016

When We're Wronged

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                       everyday is a journey.

One of the hardest things to do is to pick ourselves up when our whole world crumbles. There is a feeling welling up inside of us that we cannot, could not ever possibly rise up from this rejection. Rejection, because that's basically what it is, a rejection of our deepest desire. 

There are so many of my friends that have gone through heart wrenching and painful moments in their lives where someone hurt them deeply. It could be a husband or wife, who has betrayed and left the family home. Or a father/daughter relationship that has struggled for way too long. How about the two friends whose relationship broke in half due to something no one can even remember any longer. Unforgiveness can eat away all our JOY leaving us with nothing, but with bitterness and emptiness. 

To all those who have been hurt and unable to forgive, let me ask you what exactly are you hoping for here? What would help you forgive? Do you want the person who has hurt you to scream out for everyone to hear that they were wrong? That they're sorry on their hands and knees? Or perhaps you're looking for restitution of some type? What kind of outcome would satisfy you in order for you to forgive?

For me, it always was about the snobbery. I wasn't good enough to be part of that special clique. I was constantly seeking to prove them wrong by engaging them in discussions via social media. Of course, my opinions were never welcomed nor did they ever match theirs. Looking back, I can see now that I could never be part of them, because of how different my views were. Besides, did I really want to belong to something I so vastly disagreed with in the first place?

When we feel rejected, it's difficult for us to move on. We are looking for something from the person who has inflicted that wound. We keep thinking that if we forgive them, it's like admitting weakness and they'll have a hold on us. Forgiveness isn't about absolving someone, it's about lifting the heavy chains of oppression that satan has over us. When we forgive, we let go and gain control back in our lives. Isn't it time we lived free?

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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