Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Here We Go Again

                                   Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                     everyday is a journey. 

Negativity generates and breathes anger.

There was a time where I loved to watch reality television. One thing I can tell you is that when these people fought, they fought with everything within them. It would be violent with a lot of throwing things and ripping out their hair. Another thing I noticed was that they never acknowledged their part in any of the fights. Everything was the other persons fault, usually followed by expletives. 

Look at the picture above. You can see the house reflected in the water perfectly. It's the same when we glance in the mirror and see our reflection in it. A real smart sister-in-Christ once told me the first thing we all need to do when addressing a situation is to accept our part in it. No one can take the entire 100 percent of fault. Acknowledge your part. Once you do that, I guarantee you will see and handle things differently. 

Back to the reality shows. I recently turned one on and began watching. This particular one involved so much anger, yelling and screaming. Almost immediately, I could feel myself become agitated, the anger welling up inside of me rooting for the one wronged. I became so wrapped up in that story line that suddenly my tone changed when speaking with Emily. I could feel myself becoming one of them. Angry. Negative. Blaming.

Negativity generates and breathes anger.  

All of you have to bear with me, because I feel that there are some of you who are needing to let go of some issues. I really feel strongly about the forgiveness issue and the Holy Spirit has placed these few blogs on my heart. I need to say it. I'm not out to point fingers, because I am just as guilty. 

There is so much discord within my family, my friendships, my co-workers. We cannot allow these feelings to fester into a mountain. Even if that happens, God can and will move a mountain if He has to. Why don't we just talk to Him about it? Ask Him to help us in ridding ourselves of anything that hurts our soul. Help me, Lord, to overcome this! 

If you're one of those people that thinks they don't have a problem with forgiving someone, let me ask you a question. Can you comment on a person who has hurt you without bringing up the old hurt done to you by them? Can you mention them without anger? I don't think so. Just the tone we use is evidence enough. Don't let bitterness encase your heart.

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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