Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Who Told You That?!

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I didn't come here to be fixed overnight. I came here to be filled with the Word of God. That's what I kept telling myself at the conference. I've done several of Beth Moore Bible studies, so I looked forward to hearing her speak. I wasn't disappointed. As usual, Beth dished out homework by having us answer the following questions pertaining to our current life status. 

1. Where are you now?
I am tired, physically and mentally. I feel as if the radiation took away from me five entire weeks of life. My life ceased for that time  only consisting of eating, sleeping, radiation and work, leaving me exhausted in the process. All that work just for it to come back next year. I laid in bed this morning willing myself to get up and face the day. On the outside, everyone keeps telling me how wonderful I look and how healthy. What they don't realize is that an attitude is a choice. I choose to make an effort with a smile on my face regardless of how I am feeling on the inside.

2. Who told you that?!
Who told you it's coming back next year? Who told you it was all for nothing? Who told you your life was on hold? Did God tell you that? No, He did not. I told myself that or maybe the devil filled thoughts. You made people laugh and you listened to their stories, just by holding their hands. You came out of it with the compassion you lacked going in. You came out with the desire of starting your own group.

3. What are you seeking?
I am seeking peace. More than anything I want to find that spiritually calming balance between all of my ministries. I don't want to feel flustered, rushed or frustrated, instead I want to feel fulfilled and contented. I don't want to give up any of them. 

4. How much more?
I'm already busy, but I feel that perhaps God is pulling on my heartstrings to do more. One more thing, Lottie. You can make it work. Make some changes, some adjustments, some better organizing. You start it and I'll bring the people. Just as I did with the yarn for the ministry, I will prepare for this next thing. God is pulling on my heartstrings for so much more.

How would you fill in these questions? Where are you at in your journey? We all have one. I hope you make the time for yours. The more I study the Word of God, the more I'm affected by what is going on around me.

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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