Sunday, October 23, 2016

Under Construction

                                                      Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                       everyday is a journey.

I dislike construction! It seems we cannot go anywhere without a roadblock or deter posted preventing any further movement in our designated path. Or the process is incredibly slow. It is told that Ruth Graham's gravestone bears the words Under Construction: Thanks For Your Patience. Such a wise woman. I hope I show such wisdom as I grow older.

I've spent this weekend basically on my own as Emily went zip lining with her friend Jan in Rockford. When I'm alone the apartment is super quiet as I go about my daily chores. Therefore, my brain is in overload analyzing and brainstorming on everything going on in our life. 

I've found out something about myself. When change happens or a new plan is set in motion, I have no problem grabbing it with both hands. I'm all on board with whatever needs to be done as long as there is a plan. If this is what needs to be done, let's do it! That's my attitude. I'm out of the starting gate fully charged and energized!

My problem lies with endurance. Halfway through the plan, it becomes difficult. It's already been awhile and I may become tired of the length or just impatient. Things may require a deter or a roadblock, discouragement settles in slowly, but surely. 

I still finish the race, but I have a habit of settling. I settled when it came to choosing a mate for life. I settled with every man after that. I settled with my career. I settled for the type of cars I drove. I settled where I lived. I just plan settled. 

Whenever people ask me how they can pray for me, I always say pray for strength and endurance. I say that for a reason, because I know myself. I know where my strengths lie and where I struggle. I think all of us do, even though, some of us don't want to admit that weakness.

Where are your strengths? What have you settled in? We're all under construction avoiding all deters and blocked roads as we struggle through this journey we call life.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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