Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Taking A Break

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                       everyday is a journey.

This year has certainly been a year consumed with my health. From February until September, it has been all about my cancer. I've spent one appointment after another with various doctors and treatments. I am tired. I jokingly made a comment to my radiation doctor that I wasn't planning on seeing anyone until January of next year. He didn't think it was funny. 

When it comes to my health, he need not have worried. I do take care of myself and keep all appointments. I understand the importance of doing so. I just wanted to take a small break and focus on other things. There's only two or three months left and January will be here. Then the cycle will begin anew. 

I feel as if my life has been on hold all this time. Is it any wonder that I want to think and breathe something else? Take today, for instance. It's so beautifully sunny and breezy. I just want to sit with my face turned upwards and feel the warmth upon my face. The last days before the real chill comes. 

So I'm taking a break, spending some time writing stories I've long set aside. There's a pile of half started crochet items that I've never finished. My next bold step taking refuge in God's hands. So much more to experience. So much more to share. So much more to do. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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