Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Just Fine

                                                        Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                        everyday is a journey.

I've been in a Proverbs 31 Bible study with Lysa TerKeurst's Uninvited. She asked a very particular question last Friday.  Are you good at faking fine? I fake fine every single day. No other words come out of my mouth. There are a select few who will hear me tell the truth about how I'm feeling and only then briefly. 

In fact, I can remember a time back during my first bout with cancer, when a friend called. She asked me how I felt and I told her . . . . . the entire truth. It was a bad time in my recovery or should I say lack of recovery. She thought I had lost my will to live and had all our friends call me to make sure I didn't take my life. 

That was a horrible feeling I never want to experience again. I don't tell people how I truly feel for that reason. People who don't have cancer have this belief that all one needs to do is be positive. . . . all the time. You shouldn't cry. You cannot have a bad day. You need to maintain a happy attitude to fight this cancer. If they only knew how it truly was for us patients.

So instead, I fake fine every single day. I don't tell you of the aches and pains in my legs that I deal with every day. I don't tell you how I have to watch what I eat or I'll be sick. I don't tell how exhausted I am every night. I don't tell anyone my true feelings. 

So how am I? Fine. Just fine. Isn't that what we all say? I'm not the only one who fakes it. I think there are many people out there who fake it everyday. Why is that? I believe it is because we feel people wouldn't understand. So there are people walking around with all sorts of hurts out there afraid to voice their thoughts in fear of not being understood. We really need to do a better job at showing and offering compassion. Maybe we should stop talking and do a little more of listening. Listen to what they have to say, hold their hand and keep our mouths shut. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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