Monday, July 1, 2019

Day 82 Of Writing: July

                                                               Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                               everyday is a journey.

No star is ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been.
Since Good, though only thought, has life and breath,
God's life--can always be redeemed from death;
And evil, in its nature, is decay,
And any hour can blot it all away;
The hopes that lost in some far distance seem,
May be the truer life, and this the dream.

July is the Summer month. Or I should say, the month that Summer truly begins. It is the one month where the children are officially off from school and the weather takes a hotter turn permanently. Many families take their vacations, mostly to places that have water for sunbathing and swimming. The air conditioners run nonstop. It finally becomes dark around 9 p.m. The lazy, hazy days of Summer have begun!

In this household, we indulge ourselves in the delicious fruits of Summer such as watermelon, various berries, peaches and plums. The sky is the limit when it comes to selections available. All the fresh herbs from the garden make a very tasty salad. We are salad people, you know.  For dessert, we have a single cone of Neopolitan ice cream. That's it, nothing else on it. Very refreshing after a nice meal.

There are no projects to conquer in July. It's way too hot for any kind of physical work. One usually lounges around at home in their unmentionables complaining about the humidity. We take several showers to ward off the stickiness. We get sunburned, peel and get attacked by mosquitos. We love every minute of it.

Somehow, we cannot get enough of Summer. We long for it until it finally arrives and we are deeply forlorn at the prospect of it going away. Of all the Seasons, this is the one we remember the most as we relive the many memories we have made. Who doesn't remember their Summer vacation from childhood? We all have stories, very happy ones at that, to share with anyone who wants to listen. Yeah, July is truly the Summer month.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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