Thursday, July 11, 2019

Day 91 Of Writing: Lessons Learned

                                                 Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey

My newest griefs to Thee are old;
My last transgression of Thy law,
Though wrapped in thought's most secret fold,
Thine eyes with pitying sadness saw.

Over these past twelve years I have learned a bit in regards to my cancer. Many people have always asked me for tips on this or that, hoping to find an easier way to perhaps handling their cancer. Who could blame them? Cancer or any type of illness is very difficult to deal with let alone accept. It changes everything in your life.

As I often reflect on my cancer, I thought I would share with all of you my top five things I've learned since my diagnosis. These are just some things that have come to be very important to me.
  1. There is always something to learn about myself, my cancer and my emotional state. Every time I went through a recurrence, that experience taught me something new that was hidden inside of me. We are never done rediscovering who we are.
  2. Preparation is key. We should be as prepared as we can be by finding out what short term/long term disability policies our workplace provides. We need to make sure we have amble savings set aside to carry us over if need be. I also make sure all my supplies are stocked up as well as my pantry. Make a checklist of things that need to be done before treatment begins so later all you have to do is rest.
  3. Set your priorities straight. When I was diagnosed with cancer, I quickly realized what was important to me and my family. For me, it has always been about relationships and making sure other people know I love them. I'm not going to lie, there are still people in my life that we are struggling in that area, but we are working on it. What that priority will look like for you may be different.
  4. Pay attention to your body and what it is trying to you. I am so aware of anything that is out of whack. If I am tired, I take a nap. If my throat hurts, I take something for it right away. Pain is pain no matter how you look at it. I remember all too well the pain I felt back then. I have no desire to relive it.
  5. Live your life. I am a changed person from the one before my cancer. I used to fight every battle out there. Not any longer. All I want is to reside peacefully with others while enjoying this beautiful world that was created by Our Lord. Don't you?
These are just a few things that stand out the most. Life teaches us many things if we are open to it. What are your top five things you have learned?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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