Saturday, July 13, 2019

Day 93 Of Writing: A Little Bit Of Everything

                                                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                            everyday is a journey.

Thy secret judgment's depths profound
    Still sings the silent night;
  The day, upon his golden round,
    Thy pity infinite.
I. WILLIAMS. Tr. from Latin

I dropped off the car at the shoppe for some maintenance work, a front strut shock replacement. Actually, I need both front and back, plus fix the air/heat relay fuse base, but I can only afford one thing at a time. In a way, I was happy to do so, because I knew I would be grounded at home without a car. I could do some work at home. 

On a different note, my relationships at work are a bit improved. I just noticed this fact the other day. It seems that ever since I have changed my outlook, my perspective on the people that aggravate me, things changed. I told myself I would love on these people no matter what. I'm engaging in conversations with them. I have also noticed that when I am speaking to them individually, they are different . . .  kinder. Things change when they are in a group. They become meaner. Bullies always come in groups, never solo. They don't have the guts to be a bully alone.

I am almost done with the 100 Day Project. Thank goodness for that! Did I achieve what I set out to do? Yes and no. I wanted to write everyday again like I used to and I was hoping my muse would return. Did that happen? Not really. I still missed a couple of days or I posted the blog late. There were a couple of them that I felt weren't up to snuff. 

When it comes to my writing, I need time. I find that when I'm writing in a hurry, I don't feel the blog is worthy of a real writer. If I am interrupted for any reason, the thought process has ended and I can't get it back. I can understand why writers are always away somewhere for the peace and quiet. You really do need it. 

In the end, I prefer the quality of posting a blog several times a week rather than daily. The problem lies that the readers forget you if you don't write often. I have seen this when I stopped writing daily, the readers dropped off significantly. So posting everyday is key. 

So today it is a little bit of everyday, but some days, it is like that. Have a blessed day everyday.

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