Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Day 96 Of Writing: The Sawdust Diet Take Two

                                                               Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                everyday is a journey.

Discouraged in the work of life, 
Disheartened by its load, 
Shamed by its failures or its fears, 
I sink beside the road;-- 
But let me only think of Thee, 
And then new heart springs up in me. 

Twelve years ago, I lay in the hospital weighing a mere 100 pounds trying to stay alive. I just finished watching the news, reporting that Tammy Faye Baker passed away from cancer weighing in at 65 pounds. Folks, I remember this so well. I became frightened, because I was at that time losing weight like crazy. I was afraid that if I didn't gain any weight soon, I would die just like Tammy Faye Baker.

Well, I prayed to God. I said to Him that if He let me gain some weight, I would never complain about my weight again. I gained 80 pounds in the next few months and then gained another 20 when the cancer came back the second time. Here we are twelve years later and I haven't stopped complaining ever since that initial weight gain.

Lord, I am a liar.

I have tried and tried to lose this doggone weight to no avail. I have given up soda, juice, fast food, fried food, processed food, cheese, now sweets, barely any pasta, chips, even my favorite bagel in the morning. I eat mostly vegetables, nothing out of a can and plenty of fish. I have exercised on and off through the years.  I have fasted, done cardio, got a gym membership and worked out for twenty minutes a day. Now every morning I do basic calisthenics and stretches. Oh yes, I eat plenty of fruit and drink lots of water.

I have lost nothing.

Then there is all the advice in the world. Go on walks everyday. Drink more water. Don't eat at night. Portioning is the key. Keep a food diary. Try the Keto diet. No, the Adkins works best. Weight Watchers helped the neighbor lose weight. There's Slimfast, Noom or maybe just plain drinking apple cider vinegar with your water.

Diet overload.

A few years back, I listened to Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson. He had this woman on who lost over 200 pounds. He asked her what her secret was to losing all that weight. She said that she gained weight, lost weight, over and over again until finally she came across the Sawdust Diet. All the foods that she ate had absolutely no flavor whatsoever, tasting like sawdust. She gave up everything, folks, everything. . . . forever.

That's what I have to do. I have to eat the Sawdust Diet. With my luck, all that sawdust might add on extra weight. I mean, it's so carb like isn't it?

Have a blessed day everyone.

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