Sunday, June 30, 2019

Day 81 Of Writing:Health Benefits Of Forgiveness

                                                               Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                everyday is a journey. 

What Thou shalt to-day provide,
    Let me as a child receive;
  What to-morrow may betide,
    Calmly to Thy wisdom leave.
  'Tis enough that Thou wilt care;
    Why should I the burden bear?

Health benefits of forgiveness? The title itself intrigued me as I leafed through an old Reader's Digest. Forgiveness is one topic that every person out there has experienced, is experiencing or will experience at some point in their life. If we are honest, truly honest, we actually deal with forgiveness quite often in our lifetime. 

 According to them, a study was done by the Department of Psychology at the University of Tennessee. They found that with forgiveness came stress relief, lower heart rate and decreased blood pressure. It also provides an improved sleep quality and strengthened spirituality. On the flip side, holding onto to resentment can lead to high blood pressure, muscle tension and depression. 

Yet, it is something that we all feel we are not the reason why forgiveness doesn't occur in a relationship of any kind. We all have family members that aren't speaking to one another for whatever reason. Some of those reasons no one can remember, because it has been that long, folks. Yet, we like to say, it's not me, it's them. No one really wants to make that move. There is awkwardness and unease. So no one does nothing. 

Let's face it, folks. Forgiveness is tough. For some of us, it will take years to let go. Plus, we all know someone who just cannot move forward with some sort of positive resolution. Heck, we could be that person. I have found that a tragedy almost has to happen before we are open to be in the same room with them. 

Going through with this cancer, this is something I wish we could change as a generation. People ask for world peace, I ask for forgiveness among men. I can see the destructive side of it and honestly, when a life is on the line, the past doesn't matter. Too many families are fighting over things that hold no priority over loving and living together peacefully as we should. 

I don't want to spend my life hating and fighting. Whatever time I do have, let's enjoy each other's company and what we have to offer to one another. We need to learn how to let go. Another step to living fully and healthier.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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