Saturday, July 27, 2019

Not In A Good Mood.

                                                               Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                  everyday is a journey

That low man seeks a little thing to do,
Sees it and does it:
This high man, with a great thing to pursue,
Dies ere he knows it.
That low man goes on adding one to one,
His hundred's soon hit:
This high man, aiming at a million,
Misses an unit.
That, has the world here—should he need the next,
Let the world mind him!
This, throws himself on God, and unperplexed
Seeking shall find him.
—Robert Browning.

Today I was reminded of how different our world has become. We can nowadays, voice our views whether political, religious or personal on any social media with just a click of a button. We have become very careless as a people with the written word. We seem to feel that we can post anything we want without any consequence to anyone else. We feel we have the right to do so. In fact, many of us accuse others of being judgmental when actually the accuser has become more judgmental than the person they are speaking of. 

So what else is knew, right? Yes, but I am so tired of it. I cannot even enjoy social media anymore. I hate to think of how bad it will get when elections come around. Here we go again. Name calling, accusations, criticism etc. You know what I mean? Why can't people stop and think that maybe there are people in their lives who may be offended? 

I'm especially offended when it comes to my being a Christian. We are not the only group that has opinions that differ from others. We are not the only ones when it comes to Faith. What about the Muslim? What about the Jew? Is it really about religion or is it that your best friends are Muslim and you don't want to attack them?

I have family and friends who hold views that are so out there from mine, but I respect their right to believe them. Yet, I am not given the same respect. I have not and I mean not, forced my views on any of them. I believe that God gave us free will to choose Him or not. If it's not, fine, move on. Yet, these same people who claim they don't believe in Him, spend all their waking moments talking against Him. If He doesn't exist, why even bother? What do you have to be worried about? Move on. 

I know I sound harsh. I know that I am not in a good mood prior to reading their posts, but I've had it. Done. This is why I cannot scroll on social media. People who accuse us of hating actually are hating us. Go figure.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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