Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Day 89 Of Writing: Mixed Emotions

                                                                Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                everyday is a journey

Sometimes the sun, unkindly hot,
My garden makes a desert spot,
Sometimes a blight upon the tree
Takes all my fruit away from me;
And then with throes of bitter pain
Rebellious passions rise and swell;
And so I sing and all is well.
—Paul Laurence Dunbar.

Have you ever had mixed emotions about a situation and the way you handled it? Maybe you were on the fence in regards to the decision you had to make? These are the tough choices that occasionally we are faced with and the outcome is never a pretty one. I believe they call it tough love.

Living in an apartment, I have come to be around such a vast variety of people from all walks of life.  I have seen many broken people. There is a question I have been trying to figure out for what seems like forever. How is it that some people can get up to their feet no matter how difficult and trying their situation. Others keeping staying down and never stand on their feet. Why do some people have a strong will and others such a weak one?

That is a question I have been asking myself for ages. I wish I knew that answer so I could help the broken people. I believe we all know such a broken person. For some reason they keep falling down over and over again. No matter how many times one extends their hand in help, the clasp is never firm enough to hold them. We pray for them. We ask Our Almighty, what will it take? What will it take?

I have often spoken of my heart towards single moms. I have been one so I know the struggle of raising children on your own on one income. Over the years, we have come across many of these moms who were just trying to survive. One of them happens to be living down below us. When she arrived with her little boy, my heart immediately went out to her. I run to such young women. Befriend them. Try to help them as best I can. Knock on their door with freshly baked cookies or cake.

This is a tragedy of a mom who has substance abuse problems. One who has fallen off many times, just as now. We have witnessed her downfall in domino fashion. It always starts like that and quickly escalates to a degree that only tough love can help. Do you understand how difficult it is to watch someone slowly destroy themselves? There comes a time where one has to step aside and allow nature to run it's course, even if all we see is destruction. It is so sad.

So here we are full of mixed emotions. We feel for her, but we also know where this is leading. We, as broken people, bring on situations upon ourselves. We have absolutely no one to blame, but ourselves. We made the choices. We, no one else. She has made hers and all we can do is step aside with prayer. Please keep this family in prayer.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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