Sunday, July 14, 2019

Day 94 Of Writing: Through The Years

                                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

An illusion haunts us, 
that a long duration, 
as a year, a decade, 
a century, is valuable. 
But an old French sentence says,
"God works in moments." 
We ask for long life, 
but 'tis deep life or grand moments that signify. 
Let the measure of Time be spiritual, 
not mechanical. Life is unnecessarily long. 
Moments of insight,
 of fine personal relation, 
a smile, a glance—
what ample borrowers of eternity they are!
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

I spent several hours last evening watching Chasing The Moon on PBS. As you can guess, it was our race to the Moon from beginning and ending with the famous walk. This was nothing new to me. I remember learning all about it at school. Yet, I stopped everything I was doing and watched mesmerized by that first step. 

Afterwards, I couldn't help but think about all the moments in history I have witnessed during my time here on Earth, both good and bad. Life is very eventful and sometimes we are participants or just plain watchers in it. Life is definitely not boring.

It has also made me aware of how I am living my life. I'm always preaching living your life to the fullest and living it with a purpose. I am well aware of how short it can be and hope to keep it full to the brim. 

I really love going back and seeing history, almost reliving the moment again. By revisiting the past, sometimes we see things we haven't before or we see them in a different perspective. Nothing wrong with any of it.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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