Saturday, July 20, 2019

Day 100 Of Writing: The Final Day

                                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Faith that withstood the shocks of toil and time,
Hope that defied despair,
Patience that conquered care,
And loyalty whose courage was sublime;
Teaching us how to seek the highest goal,
To earn the true success;
To live to love, to bless,
And make death proud to take a royal soul.
—Louisa M. Alcott.

Well, I'm glad it's over! This was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I think that next year I will do something else like crocheting one hat a day for 100 days. No more writing. Besides, I think it was confusing for my readers and it wasn't a success that I thought it would be. A bit disappointing for me.

Anyway, it is over and we can move on to other things. Although, I have wondered how everyone else fared with this project. Did everyone finish? Did they post regularly? I've seen some on YouTube, but they seemed to stop posting after a couple of days. 

We are marking this important day with a trip to our Farmer's Market to purchase some delicious produce straight from the farm.Our heirloom tomatoes are ready for the picking. We love a good tomato sandwich! There is nothing more delicious than a garden tomato. You don't need to serve it with anything else, just a slice of bread or just plain with some salt.

Also ended up buying some new potatoes which we cook with the skin on, it's paper thin. Some crisp green beans sauteed with mushrooms. Yum, yum! I hope all of you are having a wonderful Saturday. Enjoy the garden goodness! 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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