Thursday, July 18, 2019

Day 98 Of Writing: Food And Your Body

                                                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey

Give me within the work which calls to-day,
To see Thy finger gently beckoning on;
So struggle grows to freedom, work to play,
And toils begun from Thee to Thee are done.

I'm beginning to believe that what we put into our bodies is very important. What we put in, that's what we get out. If we don't take care of our body, it will cease working for us. Ever since my cancer, I am so aware of every ache and pain, especially when it comes to certain foods. I see the difference in how my body reacts to these foods.

I also believe that what type of food we need depends on who we are on the inside and the outside. Others may require more fiber, but I have plenty intake daily.  I may need more protein instead. The problem lies with trying to figure out what that missing ingredient looks like for you individually.

So how do we do that? Well, we can take a blood test to determine what our body is lacking. We can also pay attention to what our body is saying. Do you have problems with your joints like I do? Then I need to eat foods that will aid in healthy bones. Do you battle fatigue? Cancer? Colon issues? The list depends on your ailments. This is what I am learning now. Or I should say, trying to determine the best meal plan for me. Being a Vegan or on a Keto diet may not work for everyone.

 It is especially hard when one visits family, restaurants or any social gatherings. Everyone prepares food in different ways. Some may use too much of one thing while others barely anything. Either way, certain foods affect me in a very unpleasant way. 

My next objective is to use natural whole foods to help provide my body with any nutritional benefits they may offer. Don't get me wrong, I believe in traditional medicines, I just don't want to be on any medication while in remission. If that means eating more of a certain food or avoiding a certain food, let's do it. The whole point is to be healthier so we can fight cancer when it comes back. Let's make our bodies stronger, not weaker. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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