Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Day 83 Of Writing:The Dream

                                                     Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

If e'er when man had fallen asleep,
I heard a voice, "Believe no more,"
A warmth within the breast would melt
The freezing reason's colder part,
And like a man in wrath, the heart
Stood up and answered, "I have felt."
—Alfred Tennyson.

I fell in love with the above picture of a cottage layout. How absolutely perfect for one person! Except I wouldn't choose those types of steps leading into the loft. There is no way I could do them, lol. 

It has been awhile since I wrote anything on the topic of my dream place for my retirement. I have been busy with other things here in regards to personal paperwork and primarily the everyday living. Where I began this year is definitely not going to be the way I end it. Things seemed to have been changing and I have this idea that God may have other plans for me. 

The Ministry has exploded almost overnight. I am sending out packages twice a month, sometimes more. I'm not exactly sure when this happened. My time has been spent mostly with the Ministry (prepping, shopping, crocheting, distributing, packing). It's a never ending job, but I love every minute of it!

Honestly, I can't blame it all on the Ministry. Emily alone has been putting in over 40 hours weekly, 6 days a  week. I, myself have been working extra hours whenever I can get them. We have been busy, folks, making the money.

There is also the purging we are trying to accomplish in our apartment in order we can have a more clutter free environment. It's never ending. I truly don't know how we have accumulated so much stuff again. Yarn, books are one thing, but the rest? If you saw the kitchen utensil rack, you probably would wonder why we need 3 different sized ladles when one can do the job?  

Then I decide to paint my bedroom and re-organize. Who in their right mind would even try to do this on top of everything else? Crazy people, only crazy people.

Still, the picture above remains my favorite scene. It's ideal for what I am looking for. There was a time a few months ago that I thought I would get to visit a real life cabin in the woods. I wanted to see it and place it in my memory box. You see, it's the small things that keep me moving forward, because it may just happen. One never knows what the future will hold, but it is fun dreaming about it. That cabin in the woods never materialized into a reality. People change. Plans change. The dream never does.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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