Sunday, April 29, 2018

Supper For Two

                                                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                           everyday is a journey.

The victor's road is the easy way.
Straight it stretches and climbs to where
Fame is waiting with garlands gay
To wreathe the fighter who clambers there.
There's applause in plenty and gold's red gleam
For the man who plays on the winning team.
The loser travels a longer lane;
Level it leads to a lonely land.
There's little glory for him to gain
The voices mock him on either hand;
But the man who wins in the greater game
Is the man who, beaten, fights on the same.
--G. Rice.

Sunday. . . .is a sacred day for us here in more ways than just Biblical. It's a day where we rest both emotionally and physically. A day where we gather together as a family to bask in each other's company, even if it is irksome at times. This day stays open and free of any obligations to birthday parties or such. We have been doing this for about six years and it has served us well. 

This weekend, we barely left the house at all. I've been sick all week with a terrible cold and Emily has been suffering from allergies. Saturday was spent basically in bed trying to recuperate, especially since one of us has to work on Sunday afternoon. Work is the only thing we can't cancel on Sunday. 

I had such grand plans for the weekend. I was going to get all my grocery shopping done. We have no fresh fruit or veggies at all and that cannot do. Our pantry may be filled with grains and pasta, but fresh produce is something we thrive on. Also, plans of Spring cleaning perhaps some painting was on the agenda to brighten things up around here. 

Of course, with the refrigerator a little on the empty side, we opted to pizza on Saturday and Subway on Sunday. That's our entire weekend dinner menu. something very rare for us, for sure. We hardly ever go out to eat and we have been doing so more in this apartment than anywhere else. 

I thought about it for a minute. It seems we have been better organized in our last place. Besides, we each had alternating shifts. One worked the morning and the other on second. There was always someone home to prepare a meal. The fresh supply of veggies and fruit was in abundance. 

Nowadays, with both of us working second, meals are prepared mostly on weekends or when one has a day off from work. I've even stopped keeping as much in the refrigerator, because it went bad before we could use it. Yet, I can't help feeling we have slipped back a bit from course. Isn't that how going out happens? A little bit by bit and suddenly one is eating all the wrong things again. No we can't let that happen. Definitely have to become better at this. Definitely.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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