Thursday, April 12, 2018

Stresses Of Life: The Family

                                                                            Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                             everyday is a journey.

He is brave whose tongue is silent
Of the trophies of his word.
He is great whose quiet bearing
Marks his greatness well assured.
--Edwin Arnold

One could look at a family picture after family picture without really seeing what is lurking underneath. Everyone looks good on a photograph, but how are we really in true flesh form? We all have that relative that drama loves to follow around like a magnet.

We all think our families are dysfunctional, but could you blame us? Every television show or movie depicts these understanding and lovable families like The Brady Bunch or The Walton's. How many of us would love to have a family like Full House? We look at them and then we look at our own. 

I think that all of us has an ideal family we like to compare ourselves to and wish we could become, especially when we are young. We make a vow to ourselves that when we have a family of our own, it will be like the best family in the world. Better than even The Brady Bunch, but then the reality sets in and we realize that what we see on the television isn't real. It's a fantasy.

Love, respect and acceptance is what we all are looking for in our lives and we expect to get it from our family, because they are blood. It's expected from them, right? If you're family doesn't do all of the three, then who will? That's the logic we stand behind, but is it sound? No, it's not. Family is no different from any other group. I have seen strong ties between family members that truly love each other and I have seen families feuding all the time. It's a people problem. It's a heart problem. Not a blood problem.

There are many mothers out there on their knees every night praying for her wayward family members that have become more like a black sheep than an active family participant. If one reads the Bible, family problems have existed since Cain and Abel times. They continue to this day. Our Lord promises that every wrong will be righted when Christ comes the final time. I believe then our families will finally be Brady Bunch worthy or even better. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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