Monday, April 16, 2018

Stresses Of Life: Conclusion

                                                                        Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                         everyday is a journey.

Lo! I come with joy to do
The Father's blessed will;
Him in outward works pursue,
And serve His pleasure still.
Faithful to my Lord's commands,
I still would choose the better part;
Serve with careful Martha's hands,
And loving Mary's heart.

In the last couple of weeks, we examined stresses of life from various forms and parts of our daily living. If I had to state which ones are my top three, I would seriously have to think hard about it. Over the years, I've dealt with anxiety, worry and just plain stress only to discover I have absolutely no control over any of it. I'm wasting all this time and effort of many sleepless nights worried about things that probably will not even come to fruition. So why do it? The Lord will have His say and way. Period. 

Yet, I've promised all of you my top three stresses of life. I would like to rephrase them if I could from stresses to concerns. 
1. Work and my ability to continue on working as I face the long term side effects of my cancer treatments. How much longer can I work?
2. Time and my ability to manage it. My tendencies are to fill up my calendar and I have to seriously learn how to delegate or choose carefully. 
3. Family and our constant struggle to come together as a unit. There are many strong characters here and the ability plus desire to get along is missing. I'm referring not to my children, but more the cousins, uncles and aunts etc. We were once extremely close and now that has dissipated. 

You see, my concerns have changed since the last couple of years. My children are grown. My finances are as good as they will get. I'm almost at retirement from my company. I am single. My worries and concerns are not like the average person. I'm thinking more of the "me" instead of the us. That's something new in my life since we have done the opposite for so many years. So how does my life look like now? Well, pretty darn good. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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