Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Stresses Of Life: Health

                                                                   Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                    everyday is a journey.

The light that fills thy house at morn
Thou canst not for thyself retain;
But all who with thee here are born
It bids to share an equal gain.
The wave, the blue encircling wave,
No chain can bind, no fetter hold;
Its thunders tell of Him who gave
What none can ever buy for gold.
--Jones Very.

As unbelievable as this may sound to you, I've never considered my cancer to be a stress inducer. Although, I have to be honest that my blood pressure is always higher when I have to wait for test results. I don't think it has to do with the anxiety of having cancer. It's more about how the treatment will affect my life. The treatment I do stress about, more because of the interruption it creates in my daily lifestyle and the long lasting side effects it will have on my health.  

How will the current treatment affect my work life? Do I have enough money saved for such an occasion? Will I need to go on FMLA? And if so, am I ready to deal with all of that red tape? For how long will I be able to continue working with my chronic illness? How will the radiation/chemo affect my health in the long term?

These are the stress inducers whenever I think of my health, but then I think when it involves our health, these are normal concerns. In fact, I once again went to social media for a little survey. This time I asked my Chronic Illness Group what were the top three stresses in regards to their illness? Here are all the answers they offered.

1. Will I be able to live in my home or will I have to go to a facility?
2. Will I be able to take care of myself?
3. Will my caregiver (husband/wife) grow tired and quit on me?
4. Have I taken all my medications today? Have I forgotten?
5. Being treated with respect.
6. Alienating my family because of all the struggles in my life may prove to be burdensome for them. 
7. Doctor bills
8. All the long term side effects. 

Quite a list, isn't it? Yet, so true and understandable. Don't we all worry about what if illness struck? One doesn't have to be sick or have a disease to worry about our health, especially as we age. I know my mom worries about being able to take care of herself and that's quite normal. None of us knows our future or what it will hold. Will it be better? Or worse? Will we be alone? Will we have help? We can only pray for God's grace, love and hope in Him that He has complete control in His children's lives. That's enough for me. 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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