Thursday, April 26, 2018

Self Reflections

                                                                                   Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                                    everyday is a journey.

O strange and wild is the world of men
Which the eyes of the Lord must see--
With continents, inlands, tribes, and tongues,
With multitudes bond and free!
All kings of the earth bow down to him,
And yet--he can think of me.
For none can measure the mind of God
Or the bounds of eternity,
He knows each life that has come from him,
To the tiniest bird and bee,
For the love of his heart is so deep and wide
That it takes in even me.
--Mary E. Allbright.

Whenever I have these sleepless nights, my mind wanders to questions of the world or I make lists in my head of all the things I want to do. I write the best stories while laying in bed. Too bad my brain doesn't record the perfect posts for when I am trying to write. Then I can't remember a word let alone a sentence. The same happens while I'm in a traffic jam somewhere. Best stories. Best memories. And no recollection later whatsoever.

My self reflections happen when I am alone and not encumbered with something else. My reflections have my complete attention, because my mind is cleared and it's resting. One of my best decisions come from laying awake at night just thinking. And thinking. 

Life is funny in a way. I may end up wide awake at night worrying or just plain dreaming of things that most likely will never come true. Recently, my friend at work remarked on how she cannot sleep at night thinking about the bathroom remodel going on in her life. Instead of sleeping, she is debating what design of faucets she should buy. Life is funny for sure. 

I've read somewhere that Pastor Rick Warren's wife has a box where she writes down any pondering questions for God and when she gets to Heaven, she will have them answered. Many of my self reflections involve questions for God on why things are the way they are. I believe many of us have these same reflections that we want answered and the Bible says they will be one day. 

What are some of the things you reflect on in your quiet times? Are they life changing reflections or just funny musings of a busy mind? Whatever they may look like, we have to remember that our minds are so full of stuff during our busyness of life that we need a quiet moment. Then we begin the famous self reflections of our life.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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