Saturday, April 14, 2018

Stresses Of Life: The Future

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I'll not confer with Sorrow
Till to-morrow,
But joy shall have her way
This very day.
--Thomas Bailey Aldrich.

Many of us worry about the future and what it may bring. Some people spend ton of money trying to figure out what that future may look like to them. They visit psychics, have their tarot cards read and check their daily horoscopes in the hopes of knowing what the future will be. The thing is if we don't like what that future may indicate, we quickly find another psychic, another tarot reading etc. until we are satisfied with the so called future proclamations. 

I am not nitpicking on anyone who has done just that. I have been there myself. I've always wanted to know ahead of time what would happen. I even made horoscope charts of my own. It took my for me to be diagnosed with cancer before I realized that knowing the future wasn't for me, but God to decide. When an illness or tragedy occurs in our lives, it is only then that we realize how little we actually control that life. We can plan, we can scheme and we can try to do all the appropriate things, but only God has the final say.

During my initial recovery, I changed my outlook on the future. Living life was more important than the obsession I had over knowing the future. Every time I thought of the upcoming years, I only saw blankness, a blank screen. How would I fill that screen? Only God knew. I began living day to day and the years flew by. Another bout with cancer. Then third and then another. Each time, I've learned something new about myself and the kind of life I should be living. Believe me, it wasn't always a good thing that I've discovered about myself. 

Now, as I look back over the almost eleven years of my life living with cancer, I am astounded at how far God has taken me. Never would I ever have imagined that I would still be here nor thought I would be doing the things I am. I got here by trust and not by trying to decipher the future. It was a road that was not easy and at times, I fought it. Looking toward the future, my breath is held in anticipation as I embrace what is to come wholeheartedly. I could pass on tomorrow straight into Heaven and that is okay with me. 

We need to stop worrying over what the future will hold. We spend way too much time fussing over things we cannot control. We lose sleep, we cannot eat, we become embittered, we lose our tempers and breakup relationships all because we have this obsession with control. We need to know. We need to have the last say. We need to be in control. Stop. Just stop. Believe in the fact that He has great plans for you, all because you are His child. 

Just like Doris Day sang all these years ago:

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty
Will I be rich
Here's what she said to me

Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que será, será
What will be, will be

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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