Monday, April 30, 2018

Just Share It: John Piper

                                                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

All common things,
each days events,
that with the hour begin and end,
o'er pleasures and our descendants
are rounds by which we may ascend.
Henry W. Longfellow

Which one of us, hasn't spent a weekend or more crying ourselves to sleep over the unfairness of life. It may seem that there is no future, nothing to live for, but life does go on. That's the last thing we ever want to hear, because we want to wallow in our sorrow and misery. 

The following article was sent to me, I'm not sure when. I am terrible with keeping up on all current e-mails. It usually takes me a while to sift through all, but this one struck a chord with me, so I'm sharing. I hope this helps someone out there. 

Talk to Your Tears 
By John Piper 
Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy! He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him. (Psalm 126:5–6)
There is nothing sad about sowing seed. It takes no more work than reaping. The days can be beautiful. There can be great hope of harvest.
Yet the psalm speaks of sowing “in tears.” It says that someone “goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing.” So, why are they weeping?
I think the reason is not that sowing is sad, or that sowing is hard. I think the reason has nothing to do with sowing. Sowing is simply the work that has to be done, even when there are things in life that make us cry.
The crops won’t wait while we finish our grief or solve all our problems. If we are going to eat next winter, we must get out in the field and sow the seed, whether we are crying or not.
If you do that, the promise of the psalm is that you will “reap with shouts of joy.” You will “come home with shouts of joy, bringing [your] sheaves with you.” Not because the tears of sowing produce the joy of reaping, but because the sheer sowing produces the reaping, and you need to remember this even when your tears tempt you to give up sowing.
So, here’s the lesson: When there are simple, straightforward jobs to be done, and you are full of sadness, and tears are flowing easily, go ahead and do the jobs with tears. Be realistic. Say to your tears, “Tears, I feel you. You make me want to quit life. But there is a field to be sown (dishes to be washed, car to be fixed, sermon to be written).”
Then say, on the basis of God’s word, “Tears, I know that you will not stay forever. The very fact that I just do my work (tears and all) will in the end bring a harvest of blessing. So, go ahead and flow if you must. But I believe — though I do not yet see it or feel it fully — I believe that the simple work of my sowing will bring sheaves of harvest. And my tears will be turned to joy.”

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Supper For Two

                                                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                           everyday is a journey.

The victor's road is the easy way.
Straight it stretches and climbs to where
Fame is waiting with garlands gay
To wreathe the fighter who clambers there.
There's applause in plenty and gold's red gleam
For the man who plays on the winning team.
The loser travels a longer lane;
Level it leads to a lonely land.
There's little glory for him to gain
The voices mock him on either hand;
But the man who wins in the greater game
Is the man who, beaten, fights on the same.
--G. Rice.

Sunday. . . .is a sacred day for us here in more ways than just Biblical. It's a day where we rest both emotionally and physically. A day where we gather together as a family to bask in each other's company, even if it is irksome at times. This day stays open and free of any obligations to birthday parties or such. We have been doing this for about six years and it has served us well. 

This weekend, we barely left the house at all. I've been sick all week with a terrible cold and Emily has been suffering from allergies. Saturday was spent basically in bed trying to recuperate, especially since one of us has to work on Sunday afternoon. Work is the only thing we can't cancel on Sunday. 

I had such grand plans for the weekend. I was going to get all my grocery shopping done. We have no fresh fruit or veggies at all and that cannot do. Our pantry may be filled with grains and pasta, but fresh produce is something we thrive on. Also, plans of Spring cleaning perhaps some painting was on the agenda to brighten things up around here. 

Of course, with the refrigerator a little on the empty side, we opted to pizza on Saturday and Subway on Sunday. That's our entire weekend dinner menu. something very rare for us, for sure. We hardly ever go out to eat and we have been doing so more in this apartment than anywhere else. 

I thought about it for a minute. It seems we have been better organized in our last place. Besides, we each had alternating shifts. One worked the morning and the other on second. There was always someone home to prepare a meal. The fresh supply of veggies and fruit was in abundance. 

Nowadays, with both of us working second, meals are prepared mostly on weekends or when one has a day off from work. I've even stopped keeping as much in the refrigerator, because it went bad before we could use it. Yet, I can't help feeling we have slipped back a bit from course. Isn't that how going out happens? A little bit by bit and suddenly one is eating all the wrong things again. No we can't let that happen. Definitely have to become better at this. Definitely.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Letters Of Encouragement Pt.4

                                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                        everyday is a journey.

 I cannot lose Thee! Still in Thee abiding,
    The end is clear, how wide soe'er I roam;
  The Hand that holds the worlds my steps is guiding,
    And I must rest at last in Thee, my home.

I love re-reading old letters and cards, especially if they are filled with encouragement. The following is one of my all time favorites. It's pretty old, all the way from 2012. After reading it, you will see why it will be in my heart forever. To this day, I love bits and pieces of yarn rather than whole skeins. Whenever someone gives me half used yarn, I get excited, because of this letter here. 

Mrs. Krol,
Joey had on his program about your knitting caps. This is some extra yarn mom had when she died 20 years ago. As I packed this yarn, I thought of different things mom had made. I shed some tears, but I want this to go to a good cause. 

Mom died from her second time with breast cancer. She was going through her second time when I was going through my first time. I had chemo the first time and radiation the second time. I really wonder why my life was spared, especially the second time. God must have a project for me.

There is not a lot of any one color, but I hope these various colors will be of help to you. 
C. L.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Friday, April 27, 2018

A Self Reliance

                                                     Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet, and let them be
Swift and "beautiful" for Thee.
Take my intellect, and use
Every power as Thou shall choose.

As we age, coming closer to retirement and becoming seniors, being self reliant takes on a different meaning. We wonder if we will be able to take care of ourselves financially, physically and mentally for as long as we can. That's a worry since I'm sitting here soaking my aching feet!

I often wonder how long I can work until my body gives out? That has become a constant worry for me. Sometimes our idea of what our future will look like is nothing like God's for us. My self reliance is very important to me.

In fact, when I inquired of my Chronic Illness Group what their main concern was with their illness, self reliance was number one. All of them were worried about the future in that regards, but it's only normal. No one wants to be a burden to someone else. We all want to be independent, living in our perspective homes.

We could make all sorts of plans in preparation for our retiring years and suddenly find ourselves in a position we never expected to be in. Illness could definitely change these types of plans and so can death of our mate. Finances are another course that we may not have considered. It's not always as dim as I've mentioned above. There are happy unexpected changes that can occur as an opportunity opens up we never even thought of like an inheritance or a new home elsewhere. Preferably in a sunny place.

Life can throw us a curve whenever it may like, but we cannot allow that to become our story, our future. We have to embrace these curves, even though they may be struggles, as something that will make good in our life. There have been many times, especially recently, where things didn't go occurring to my plan. I do realize that all the planning I am making towards my future may be totally worthless. In a way, I am keeping my options open to several choices, because of that fact.

I'm not sure where I will end up, but I do know and hope that it will be in a place where I can be self reliant. That is all any of us can do. There is a Season and a purpose to everything in life, even when self reliance doesn't happen. All I can pray for is that I can be used for His purpose no matter what condition I end up in. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Self Reflections

                                                                                   Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                                    everyday is a journey.

O strange and wild is the world of men
Which the eyes of the Lord must see--
With continents, inlands, tribes, and tongues,
With multitudes bond and free!
All kings of the earth bow down to him,
And yet--he can think of me.
For none can measure the mind of God
Or the bounds of eternity,
He knows each life that has come from him,
To the tiniest bird and bee,
For the love of his heart is so deep and wide
That it takes in even me.
--Mary E. Allbright.

Whenever I have these sleepless nights, my mind wanders to questions of the world or I make lists in my head of all the things I want to do. I write the best stories while laying in bed. Too bad my brain doesn't record the perfect posts for when I am trying to write. Then I can't remember a word let alone a sentence. The same happens while I'm in a traffic jam somewhere. Best stories. Best memories. And no recollection later whatsoever.

My self reflections happen when I am alone and not encumbered with something else. My reflections have my complete attention, because my mind is cleared and it's resting. One of my best decisions come from laying awake at night just thinking. And thinking. 

Life is funny in a way. I may end up wide awake at night worrying or just plain dreaming of things that most likely will never come true. Recently, my friend at work remarked on how she cannot sleep at night thinking about the bathroom remodel going on in her life. Instead of sleeping, she is debating what design of faucets she should buy. Life is funny for sure. 

I've read somewhere that Pastor Rick Warren's wife has a box where she writes down any pondering questions for God and when she gets to Heaven, she will have them answered. Many of my self reflections involve questions for God on why things are the way they are. I believe many of us have these same reflections that we want answered and the Bible says they will be one day. 

What are some of the things you reflect on in your quiet times? Are they life changing reflections or just funny musings of a busy mind? Whatever they may look like, we have to remember that our minds are so full of stuff during our busyness of life that we need a quiet moment. Then we begin the famous self reflections of our life.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Low Maintenance Life.

                                                                                   Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                                   everyday is a journey.

Blest are the humble souls that wait
With sweet submission to His will;
Harmonious all their passions move,
And in the midst of storms are still.

One morning last week, I was going through my daily devotions and came across this lovely title: Living The Low-Maintenance Life. What does that look like, I wondered to myself. I have been searching for that low maintenance lifestyle these past few years. I want to live like that. I want to be that.

I think we all become a certain age where simplicity rears it's deep desire inside of us. We begin to wonder what it's all about. It's not the money. It's not the prestige. It's not the title or career. 

It's more about going to Church, paying our taxes, working and living clean lives. We no longer seek the city life of busyness, but seek the solitude and beauty of God's country. Serenity and all that goes with it. 

I don't want to live the life of stress, politics and strife within a work place or community. Who cares about the gossips and the scandals. I've fought my battles, I've stood my grounds and now I want to live for the Lord in peace. 

Yet, people are constantly trying to bring out a stand out of us for every little thing, except all the right things. The world has become upset over everything. I'm not saying these things aren't also important, but it has gotten out of hand. I don't want to be part of the #metoo, or the #Memyselfandi, or #dropthemic movement. I'm 53 years old and the only movement I want to belong to is the #jesusmovement. 

Life is so short and when we are young, we feel we are doing all the right things. Let me tell you, I look back on my younger years and regret a lot of it. I wish I lived a certain way back then, but we cannot go back. We can only move forward and hope to educate a young person on what we have learned. 

So right now, I'm looking toward retirement with happiness, because I may have gotten here a little late, but I've finally learned something important. I've learned the simple life is for me. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Monday, April 23, 2018

A Sick Kind Of Day

                                                                       Everyday is a brand new day.
                                                                        everyday is a journey.

And if some things I do not ask,
In my cup of blessing be,
I would have my spirit filled the more
With grateful love to Thee,--
More careful,--not to serve Thee much,
But to please Thee perfectly.

I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and by the afternoon, I was sneezing and coughing, my nose totally stuffed up. It's been like 2007 since I had a cold. I just don't get sick. The minute I get any kind of symptoms, I nip it in the bud. So what happened here?

I have no idea. I take real, real good care of myself. I take my vitamins daily, every year I get a flu shot and I keep regular doctor appointments for preventive care. I also eat pretty healthy and get plenty of fruits and vegetables. At work, I wipe down all my equipment with wipes and I wash my hands before eating. I even keep an extra toothbrush and toothpaste in my drawer if I need it. 

The only thing I can think of is the hugging, touching and even a kiss on the cheek that I receive from people. It all depends how well I know them. Some people are friendlier than others. I notice that in Church, people are more of hugging type and very expressive with their emotions. It's the same at work. 

I could see if we were super close with one another, but people really need to stop touching others, especially if they don't feel well. I'm sorry if that sounds mean, but I believe it's just plain rude and disrespectful. 

So if you are not feeling well, take a day off to rest and pamper yourself. I understand about not being able to take off work. I get that, because I cannot afford to take off work whenever I feel like it, either. Yet, I know when to stop, lay down and everything else can wait. So if you're sick, rest!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Avocado Galore

                                                                              Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                            everyday is a journey.

But souls that of his own
goodbye partake
He loves as his own self
dear as his eye
they are to him
He'll never them forsake
when they shall die
then God himself shall die
they live, they live
in blest eternity
Henry More

There are two things in our household that we can never keep enough of: 1. Avocado 2. Tuna. I find that ironic, because when I was a young girl, I didn't like tuna fish salad at all. It seemed that every time we were low on money, we ended up eating tuna fish salad. Believe me, I didn't want to see it again.

That is no longer true. I've come to truly love both avocado and tuna, especially when combined together. We make this tuna stuffed avocado, but of course, made with sour cream. We don't use mayonnaise anymore. Emily doesn't like hers to be blended together, but places a dollop of sour cream on top. The combo is a marriage made in heaven . 

In my opinion, avocado makes everything taste better. One can make a spread and use on a bagel in the morning along with a scrambled egg. Absolutely delicious. We use them in green salads and even eat them plain. 

This morning, before Church, I went on a search for just two perfectly ripe avocado to make this dish. It's been a while and now that the weather has lifted, allowing sunshine in, I wanted lighter meals. We tend to eat more based on the weather than we care to admit. Who doesn't make a big hearty soup or stew when the weather turns nasty? The same applies to sun filled days.

I thought about how our diet has truly changed over the years. In fact, for majority of our family, food has become a healthier choice. No longer do we have heavily sauced and buttered meals when we get together. There always seem to be a healthier option on the table. 

So how do I plan on serving these avocados? We'll stuff them with tuna and place a dollop of sour cream on top. We'll serve a green salad on the side and cook up some peas as the second side. Very light, but filling. What's for dinner at your house?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Just Share It- Anne Graham Lotz

                                                                Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                everyday is a journey.          

Only thy restless heart keep still,
And wait in cheerful hope; content
To take whate'er His gracious will,
His all-discerning love hath sent;
Nor doubt our inmost wants are known
To Him who chose us for His own.

Today's share it comes from a daily devotion that I read from Anne Graham Lotz. I couldn't help, but be touched by her father's passing. Who hasn't heard of the greatest preacher ever Billy Graham? Just recently, I've watched the Netflix special "The Crown" about Queen Elizabeth and there was an episode with Billy Graham. Even the Queen couldn't resist hearing him speak on forgiveness. The impact that he has made is one we all dream of making on others. Imagine the scene in Heaven when he sees all the people he had a part in bringing to Jesus. What kind of scene will there be for me, I wonder? How many people have I influenced? Inspired? It is definitely something we all need to think about every time we open pour mouths. I hope you enjoy the following. 

March 12, 2018

Following the death of John the Baptist, Jesus knew His disciples needed quiet time to process what had taken place. He knew how difficult it was to minister to others while their own hearts were breaking. So He invited them to come away by themselves and get some rest. (Mark 6:31)

I, too, have heard the Lord whisper that same invitation to me in a unique way following my father’s move to Heaven and the swirl of events that were triggered by it. I received the call about my father at 7:40 a.m. ET on February 21. On Friday, February 23, my son drove me four hours to The Cove in Western North Carolina, where some of my family was gathering. My two daughters, their spouses and my three granddaughters followed. Early the next morning, we rode in a motorcade escorting Daddy from The Cove to the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte. Then my son drove me 3 hours back to my home. Tuesday I drove back to Charlotte in order to be on the plane early the next morning as family members accompanied Daddy to Washington, DC. We traveled by motorcade to the Nation’s Capitol, where Daddy was laid in honor in the Rotunda. Following a brief, meaningful ceremony, I stood for over 90 minutes greeting Cabinet officials, Senators, and Congressmen who came to show their respect and offer their condolences. That afternoon I stood for 3 hours to speak to anyone who came into the Rotunda, from US Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch and Justice Alito, to people whose identities I’ll never know, but whose tears flowed freely with mine. That night I went to the White House as the guest of the President and First Lady for a private family dinner. The next morning I traveled once again by motorcade to the Capitol as Daddy was removed by an honor guard, then we escorted him to the plane for what would be his last flight, and the return trip to Charlotte. He was taken once again by motorcade back to the Library. That night I attended a dinner for about two hundred extended family members, and also sat in on a program briefing for the funeral service. Early the next morning I found myself once again in a motorcade that took me to the Library to await the beginning of the noon-time service. Following the service, I stood in line to speak to people until no one else was left to greet in the tent. At 3:30 p.m. a processional was formed, and we walked with Daddy to the gravesite where after a brief service, he was finally laid to rest. I returned to the hotel, and the next morning drove the three hours back home.

To say I was beyond exhaustion physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, would not come close to describing my state of being. But the Lord knew I was poised to plunge into frantic activity in order to catch up on two weeks of work that had been paused. He knew that while I needed rest…quiet…isolation…I wouldn’t take it unless I was forced to take it. So Sunday afternoon I became ill. I assumed it was just total exhaustion, or the effects of the icy wind under the funeral tent, but later in the week I was diagnosed with the worst strain of the flu. For the past eight days I have been forced to lie down. To do nothing but rest. By myself. I know the Lord who is my Shepherd is the One who has made me lie down.

In my fevered state I have only been able to process a small portion of what I’ve experienced. Yet some things are clear. I do know that my father’s life…and death…promoted the Gospel, exalted Jesus Christ, and glorified God! I do know that in the three weeks since word of my father’s Homegoing was made public, the Gospel has been proclaimed worldwide over and over in every conceivable way by individuals, news media, ministries, entertainers, talk shows, churches…and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)

On a personal level, I also know I couldn’t have made it through all of the above without your prayers! You, God’s people, have carried me through, not just somehow, but triumphantly! Thank you with all my heart!

I also know, after I have rested a while and recuperated from this illness, that there is one thing I will do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14)

For the Glory of His Great Name,

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Just Share It Series

                                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                           everyday is a journey.

My soul is sailing through the sea,
But the past is heavy and hindereth me.
The past hath crusted cumbrous shells
That hold the flesh of cold sea-mells
About my soul.
The huge waves wash, 
the high waves roll,
Each barnacle clingeth and worketh dole
And hindereth me from sailing.

I receive many e-mails from friends and family who like to share with me an encouraging poem, verse or story. Sometimes, it's a funny antidote or a serious topic worth sharing. The point is that people share things as a way to keep in touch or to educate or even to lighten the load of daily life. 

I appreciate all of these e-mails and thought to myself to share with all of you. This will be a series that I hope to continue as I keep receiving these e-mails. I do have some requirements, of course. 

1. Keep it clean. If not everyone can read it, we won't post it. 
2. Let it off in one of the above topics (encouraging, funny, serious topic).

You can send them to me via e-mail at Thank you in advance and let's start with our very first "Just Share It" and please remember, this isn't to offend anyone. Enjoy!

Can you imagine wanting to make sure you drove by a certain gas station every day?   Just to see what the message was on the chalk board?



















The lady behind this wonderful initiative at Hutton Hyde Park is Alison Billett.
She told SA People: We inherited the board from the previous owner, Dick Hutton, when we bought the filling station from him almost 20 years ago.
We continued the tradition and it has become a landmark more so now that its on social media!


Not a day goes by when I dont get a call or a visit from someone to tell me how much they appreciate the message  it seems that every day theres something that just speaks to what is going on in someones life and that inspires or motivates them.




Having people come and tell me their stories and how the quote helped them in some small way is what motivates me to keep writing!
We use a variety of quotations  some are topical, some are funny, some are inspirational, some even reflect what is going on in my life that day!


Different things appeal to different people




The boards were spotted by a motivational speaker from the UK, Geoff Ramm, when he was driving by one day and he was so taken by them he included a piece about them in his book!




The boards have appeared many times in newspapers and magazines and been spoken about on radio stations all over the world. 9GAG has re-tweeted them a few times too!
Bob 95 FM in the USA recently posted Alison'"Rest in Peace" quote which has now been shared over a quarter of a million times around the world!

Those who would disrespect our flag have never been handed a folded one.

Have a blessed day everyone.